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Monday, 24.9.01 8:30am: A protest against Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their lands

23. September 2001

On Sunday, 16.9.01, only 24 hours after Ta`ayush A Palestinian-Israeli solidarity group had led a convoy of food and water to the Palestinian inhabitants of Sussya, in the South Hebron mountains, the Israeli army arrived, destroying their dwellings and water sources . 118 people were expelled from their lands to Palestinian-controlled areas (area A). This measure not only aims to punish Palestinians who participate in joint protest with Israelis, but is also another step in a long chain of IDF violations against this community over the years, despite High Court orders prohibiting their expulsion. Its political logic is that this area is scheduled for annexation by Israel.

Taayush- Arab-Jewish Partnership, Rabbis for Human Rights, and the Committee against House Demolitions have invited all peace and justice groups to join them and the Palestinian natives of Susya in a protest. If you intend to participate, if you can bring a car, whether you can stay the night and whether you are willing to help in making phonecalls or in any other way please contact :
In Tel Aviv:
Ruti Lavi: 03-5739853, 03-5739853,;
Gerlitz: 03-6123225,;

In Jerusalem :
Rony: 054-700640,;
Arick Asherman: 050-607034

And bring water, cameras and Ids.
The Israeli confrece center at the entrance of Jerusalem (Benyani
Hauma)& The Northern train station (Rakevet Tzafon) 8:30 am.
