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Open letter to his excellency Dr. Saddam Hussein

23. September 2001

by the Organising Committee of the African Symposium on Iraq

Open letter to his excellency Dr. Saddam Hussein,
President of the Republic of Iraq, Baghdad.

Through : The Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations,
New York, N.Y.
United States of America.
E-Mail :

Your Excellency,

Africa mourns victims of the holocaust tragedy in Iraq.

We wish to express our heartfelt condolences and sadness over the continued destruction and devastation of millions of innocent lives and valuable private and public property throughout the length and breadth of Iraq as a result of the unjust and obnoxious United Nations embargo.

We take this opportunity as well to condemn strongly the cruel policy pursued by the governments of the United States and Britain against the Republic of Iraq.

With the growing and shameless determination by the governments of the United States and Britain to exterminate the Iraqi people in the name of United Nations Resolutions, we want to re-assure Your Excellency our unflinching solidarity and support for the people of Iraq against the cruel embargo and unstoppable violent terrorist attacks by the governments of the United States and Britain in the so-called Western no fly zone in North and Southern Iraq.

In line with the concerned expressed by civilised governments, nations, Organisations and individuals the world over, seeking for an immediate and unconditional lifting of the cruel embargo and ending the untold sufferings of the Iraqi people, we want to bring to Your Excellency`s notice our plans to hold an All-African Support Conference in sub-Sahara Africa to discuss the horrendous situation in Iraq. The conference is an African initiative scheduled to take place between 17 to 19 January, 2002.

It is our fervent hope that Your Excellency personal intervention will eliminate all obstacles against the successful holding of this unique conference. We are well informed about the whole truth surrounding the situation in Iraq, especially the inhumane and diabolic moved by the governments of the United States and Britain to continue the mass killings of women, children and old people in Iraq by sponsoring another resolution in the U.N. Security Council, calling for `smart sanctions` to be imposed on the Iraqi people. These are not the marks of civilisation or freedom, democracy, human rights or rule of law which these self imposed policemen of the world, United States and Britain pretend to defend. On the contrary, these are the marks of terrorism at the highest level, and we stand by Iraq against any act which could bring more horrendous marks to the peace and freedom-loving people of Iraq.

By this letter Your Excellency, we mourn victims of the holocaust tragedy in Iraq. We believe the embargo on Iraq kills not only Iraqis, but other nationalities including Africans.

We close this humble letter by calling on Your Excellency to subject our message to a critical look. The African masses and in deed the world know the embargo against the Iraqi people is a heinous crime against humanity which must be crushed to save the millions of innocent lives in Iraq.

May Almighty Allah gives Your Excellency the courage to take the decision which could lead to the successful holding of the conference.

Faithfully Yours,

Organising Committee of the African Symposium on Iraq (ASI )
