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This is a war of conquest!

13. October 2001

Statement by DHKC, Turkey

Stop Telling Lies and Demagogy!
Each bomb that is dropped on Afghanistan is the evidence!

After days of propaganda, manoeuvres and demagogy the US war machine started to go to work and bombs were rained upon the Afghan people. They say that this is “for justice”, “enduring freedom” and a “war of civilisation”, they all are lies. They are all diversionary debates to cover up the essence of this attack. The USA is bringing death and starvation to Asia. The USA`s military action is a clear terror attack against the peoples of the world. This war is a war for making the USA the only power in the world. It is a war for making an empire.
That is why Afghanistan is being bombed. That is why entire countries, people and organisations are being threatened.
Stop Telling Lies and Demagogy!
The USA cannot decide how the peoples of the world should live!
The USA is openly saying that the Taliban will pay the price for not collaborating with them and will face the destruction of their country. They say that they are not happy with this current regime and they will change it. Where are democracy, international law and justice? None of them exists. This is exactly what is called terror. They change the rulers. In order to make it reality they kill; those who survive are condemned to starvation and are denied even a glass of clean water and will be imprisoned in refugee camps. What will they replace the current regime with by their bombardments and missiles? They say here is a king for you!
The Truth: Each bomb is for the interests of the monopolies.
This is called imperialist democracy. There are no principles to imperialist democracy. The only important thing is the interest of the monopolies. For this purpose they defend monarchy and organise juntas. Was it not the USA itself that brought the Taliban to power? At that time, the Taliban`s lifestyle and regime were not a problem for the USA. Because at that time the interests of the monopolies were in favour of the collapse of the pro-USSR regime in Afghanistan.
For the USA the quality of the regime in Afghanistan, or in any other country, whether the country is ruled by democracy or not, has never been of any significance. The main thing for the USA is whether that country submits to the US empire or not. If it submits, it is a good regime, if not it is a bad one and needs to be changed. The US Empire wishes to exhaust the last crumb of the people and destroy their national willpower. This is the aim of their conquest. The aim is to make the entire world to submit to their hegemony.
Afghanistan is the gateway leading to the conquest of Asia.
The main factor responsible for the violence that exists throughout the world is US imperialism, which enforces its empire onto the world. The excuse of capturing Bin Laden is mocking the peoples of the world. This is a movement for conquest. This is a manoeuvre to conquer the Asian markets and the world.
The establishment of this empire depends on conquering the Middle East, Balkans and Asia. The attack, which started with Iraq and continued with Yugoslavia, is now targeting Afghanistan. Therefore the USA said, right from beginning, that this war will continue for a long time. Of course it will. Because it is not easy to conquer Asia and the rest of the world. The Asian market, the great Chinese market and the countries in the former Soviet Union are watering the mouths of imperialist monopolies. The US war machine is on the move to confiscate the oil reserves in these regions
The entire world is aware of this. Stop telling lies and demagogy. The attack against Afghanistan is the clearest and most vulgar form of the violence of imperialism.
NATO, the EU, the UN are all tailing the USA!
The USA has initiated its plan of spreading throughout Asia by first hitting Afghanistan. The USA has announced that it will carry out the plan whether the other imperialists join or not. The EU has also joined in to get a share of the plundering. The situation was the same during the attacks in Iraq and Yugoslavia.
The other imperialists have neither the power to prevent it or to lead it.
The USA has used NATO, the EU and the UN in order to legitimise its attacks and made NATO implement Article 5 although it carries out the attacks mainly with its own forces.
The source of violation is the USA and its system.
The entire history of the USA is full of massacres, occupations, dirty deals, assassinations and plots. Are its current targets, the Taliban and Bin Laden, not the forces that were created by the support of the US?
It is the USA that founded contra-guerrilla organisations and that organised coups. Especially since the Second War of Partition, the main culprit responsible for organising all of the massacres and juntas has been the USA.
This system has been established for the exploitation and plunder of the people by the monopolies.
The bombs are the visible part of it. Those who are killed by the bombs are only a small portion when compared to those who are killed through starvation.
Capitalism kills through starvation. Tens of institutions are issuing statistics. The peoples of the world are HUNGRY! Who is condemning them to starvation?
Bread and justice are rights of all the peoples. Those who snatch these rights are also responsible for every sort of violence. This is what is called creating violence. The children who grow older under the rains of bullets and the peoples whom live under bombs and missiles while starving have no other way but to resist and fight for bread and justice.
Against the invaders, there is the resistance power of the peoples
The peoples who have had their food and justice stolen from them say against this intimidation that; we will decide how to live and we also have the right to govern ourselves.
In order to use this right, it is also our legitimate right to resist.
The peoples of the world hate the USA now more than ever. This hatred will target the USA in various forms. The claim that the entire world stands by the USA is part of the demagogy. The co-operation of certain countries` disgraced administrations with the USA has no significance.
The world of the poor, the hungry and the oppressed is against the USA. Despite being targeted by the missiles and being killed they refuse to collaborate with the USA and oppose its war. The poor peoples of Asia will not submit to the US missiles.
The rule in Turkey cannot represent the people of Turkey! Our people are standing by the oppressed people. We stand by the Afghan people.
The attitude of the rule in our country towards the attacks of the USA targeting Afghanistan is a disgraced one. The government is acting like a servant. They chase the US` tail and are trying to get its attention. In order to receive a couple million dollars more from the IMF, they are in competition to be a better servant. This government cannot represent our people.
The cabinet has decided that anti-war demonstrations cannot be allowed. They are pro-King more than the King is himself! Even in the USA there are anti-war demonstrations. But for the sake of protecting their King`s interests they do not hesitate to beat their own people, to crush them with police tanks and to shoot them.
USA! Hands off Asia, Middle East and the rest of the World!
Americans Go Home!

Even though all imperialists, fascist dictatorships and your collaborationist servants take your side, the greatest power of the world and the power making the world spin, THE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD, are against you. Your dream of being an empire will rebound against you and the resistance of the people will turn into a nightmare for you. All the places where the USA interferes will sooner or later become a Vietnam.
Stop telling lies and demagogy!
All those who realise the truth should resist against the US Empire!

We are facing an insistence that says the entire world will submit to it, the entire world will adopt its thoughts, ideology and life style and the entire world will produce without consuming and it will possess the products created by those who labour for it.
The USA is carrying out a war for creating of an absolute submission economically, militarily and politically.
Within this regime of the USA, the peoples are HUNGRY and them and their countries have NO WILLPOWER.
Within this regime of the USA, the peoples have no national identity, culture and rights. In such a world there is no bread and justice. This imperialist policy which ignores the peoples is the source of the violence.
With such a policy it is not possible not to create violence.
The peoples of the world will resist and fight against the US Empire for BREAD and JUSTICE. They have no other way.

