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Conference against war

29. October 2001

by: Devrimci Halk Kurtulu…º Cephesi (Revolutionary People´s Liberation Front – Information Bureau Brussels)

November 4, 2001 at 9:00 a.m.
De Karavaan, Rue du Poinà§on n°19, 1000 Bruxelles

The USA has started a war against the entire people of the world. It is using the actions against America on the 11th of September 2001 as its justification. They aim to turn the whole world into an instrument for the American war effort with the demagogy of “terror, fighting terrorism, the annihilation of terrorism”. Let`s have a look at those who were the first to obey these calls of America. Which are they? First is England, who has been blackening the lives of millions of people for hundreds of years in the colonies and neo-colonies. Also there is the fascist regime of Turkey, which has turned the lives of the people of Turkey into a dungeon. Also included is Germany, France, Pakistan, etc. who do not differ from the others. Those who take part in this American war, which was started today by America against the Afghan people, and those who support them are attaching new crimes against humanity to the ones they had already committed up to this date.
No matter how much the press is playing the trumpet of America in this war, millions of people all over the world are raising their voices against it. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands in all countries are protesting against this cowardly war, enforced by America using all of its techniques. The people of the world do not accept this injustice.


…· Are violating human rights.
…· Are violating international law and ignoring all countries laws and borders.
…· America is using chemical, nuclear and all other kinds of weapons and is bombing hospitals and civilian areas. It is committing war crimes.
…· America wants to establish its sovereignty in the Middle Asia, Caucasia and Middle Eastern regions, where it still doesn`t have domination. It is also trying to consolidate its influence where it already exists.
…· Racism is being developed in America and Europe against muslims and foreigners, the Nazi spirit is alive.
…· They are aiming to make the whole world surrender to them with the demagogy of terrorism. With new Anti-Terror Laws they are attempting to remove all democratic rights and to prohibit revolutionary and democratic organisations. They are trying to suppress and scare the people so they will be unorganised.
…· The aim of America is not just to annihilate the people of Afghanistan. Bush actually threatened the entire world by saying, “There is still Iraq, Sudan and Chetchenia, those who support terrorism”.
…· The war aims to create a new wind of reaction all over the world. It is creating “Crusades” to put in order the people of the world and the neo-colonies.


American imperialism wants to condemn the people of the neo-colonies to fascist regimes and its own people and the people of Europe to darkness, making them deprived of their existing democratic rights. All forces that are against this unjust war should come together and unite under the slogan “No to War, Bread and Justice for All” and struggle against this imperialist war.


We are inviting all anti-war organisations and people to this conference organised by our organisation.


Note: The Conference will open with a breakfast. Lunch and dinner will also be provided. The conference will last until 10.00 p.m. Accommodation for guests coming from abroad can be provided for, for this please informed us by phone in advance. Translators who speak French, English, German and Dutch will be present during the conference.

Source: DHKC
