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Mustafa Barghouti arrested!

3. January 2002

Palestine Monitor: Urgent Appeal

This morning after giving a press conference at the American Colony Hotel in Jerusalem, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi was questioned and taken by five or six Israeli plainclothes policemen.
After taking his ID the police then demanded he accompany them to the …‘Maskopeya´ Police compound – also know as the …‘Russian Compound´ in West Jerusalem. No one else in the group was asked for ID indicating that the police were aware of whom Dr. Barghouthi was – and they had targeted him in particular.
Four and a half hours later he was released – HOWEVER as he was being released from the custody of the Israeli police he was re-detained by the Israeli Military.
While talking to foreign delegates at Ar-Ram checkpoint it appears that the Border Police handed him over to the military, and is being held in Nabi Yacoob settlement. Latest reports indicate that he has been hit by the Israeli military, and therefore we are concerned about his physical safety.
The foreign delegates, including two members of the European Parliament -Luisa Morgantini (Italy) and Ulla Fandbaek (Denmark), were at the scene; they and other foreigners tried to prevent his detention, yet were met with violence – according to a witness – very aggressive behaviour from the soldiers which included the use of tear gas and sound bombs.
Dr. Mustafa is a physician and a human rights activist, who has for years peacefully worked to end the Israeli occupation; a leading member of Palestinian civil society, his detention is dangerous and we are extremely concerned as he has still not been released.
We members of civil society appeal for you to contact your representatives, as well as the Israeli embassy in your countries expressing your outrage at Dr. Barghouthi´s arrest – and demand his immediate release.

You can also call:
Uzi Landau, Minister for Internal Security: 972 2 5308151; Head of Israeli Police, Shlomo Aharonishki: 972 2 5308118; Binyamin Ben Eliezer, Defense Minister: 972 3 6976218, Nissim Dahan, Health Minister, 972 2 6787662
and demand Dr. Barghouthi`s release.
