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16. March 2002

By Teresa Gutierrez, Mexico City

More than 600 participants representing dozens of countries around the world on March 4 and 5 took part here in the Second International Encounter in Solidarity and for Peace in Colombia and Latin America.

This historic conference reflects the growing worldwide movement against U.S. intervention in Colombia, specifically against the menacing Pentagon “Plan Colombia.” It also reflects the deepening solidarity of the progressive and revolutionary movements in Latin America and the Caribbean that each day is growing stronger and bolder.

The Second Encounter had significant support from a broad and prominent sector of anti-war, peace and progressive elements. Conveners included Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel; Ahmed Ben Bella, former president of Algeria; Archbishop Federico Pagura, president of the World Council of Churches from Argentina; Professor James Petras, U.S.; National Autonomous University of Mexico Professor Heinz Dietrich, Mexico City; former U.S. Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark; Prof. Henry Veltmeyer, St. Mary`s University, Halifax; and, in absentia, U.S. political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Countless organizations, activists and prominent leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean endorsed the Encounter and sent delegations. The FMLN and other mass organizations in El Salvador organized a bus of more than 30 students and other activists to attend the conference. The bus was to arrive on March 3, but was held at the border for hours in what was seen as harassment by the Mexican authorities.

Other delegations came from Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. Representatives also came from Basque Country, Spain, Greece, Canada and Australia.

The Cuban Women`s Federation from revolutionary Cuba called on the Encounter to dedicate International Women`s Day to the women of Colombia.

The Mexican progressive and revolutionary movements were well represented. Groups in attendance included the Workers Party of Mexico, the Mexican Communists Party, the Popular Socialist Party, and many labor and mass organizations.

Students from throughout the area, including from UNAM–the National Autonomous University of Mexico–gave a revolutionary feel to the event.

These students, along with youth from Colombia, El Salvador and elsewhere, organized the Simon Bolivar Youth Encampment that was located on the UNAM campus. For several nights, students and other youths camped out at the tent city to meet, sing revolutionary songs and work together.

The students passed a resolution calling on the movement to continue education about and organizing against Plan Colombia, support self-determination for all oppressed peoples, press for a negotiated solution to the conflict in Colombia, and participate in the Latin American Seminar for Peace organized by the National Youth Assembly from Colombia on May 2-5 in the capital city of Bogotá.

In addition, the students and others at the conference agreed to organize protests on April 20 throughout Latin America in conjunction with the national march on Washington against Bush`s war and racism. Organizers from various cities agreed to go back to their areas and take up plans for April 20.

Activities are expected to take place in Mexico City, Oaxaca and Tabasco, Mexico; San Salvador, El Salvador; Santiago, Chile; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Guatemala City, Guatemala; and the Basque and Madrid Spain. Organizers from Canada also agreed to hold actions on April 20.

Although the main topic of the Encounter was Plan Colombia, representatives also discussed broader issues, such as the Free Trade Area of the Americas, the Andean Regional Initiative and Plan Puebla Panama. The conference was in full unity on the need to organize against all forms of U.S. intervention.


A high note of the Encounter came when representatives from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People`s Army (FARC-EP) and the National Liberation Army (ELN)–the two main rebel groups in Colombia–were able to attend the event. Participants had several opportunities to meet with the representatives of the rebels to find out more about the situation in Colombia.

An ELN statement to the conference read: “Colombia faces a juncture that because of the world situation is the most dangerous in its history. The U.S. government has deepened its intervention, the physical presence of U.S. military officials is a daily reality in many places of our homeland and it is the empire that dictates the principal decisions of the Colombian government. Plan Colombia, a plan against Colombia, and the Andean Regional Initiative is being converted into the launching pad of the geostrategic repositioning of imperialism. The Plan is now being implemented and its principal aim is to finance the war against our people.”

It continues, “The insurgent forces of Colombia in the search for peace with social justice, in the search for a political solution to this historic conflict that bloodies our homeland, will continue with all our forms of struggle.”

A statement by the FARC-EP to the Encounter, read by Commandant Marco Calarca, stated, “It is an honor for me to present to this International Encounter a warm and Bolivarian greeting from all the men and women guerrillas of the FARC-EP. You know that President Pastrana resolved to end the possibility of finding solutions different from war to the social and armed conflict we face. On the one hand, it did this so that the Colombian people could not have the chance to transform society, but also because this transformation necessarily implies a great deal of resources.

“The government also did this because of international pressure, because since September 11 the Empire is advancing, it is taking advantage of an international conjuncture, and it is acceleratings its geostrategic position in Latin America. Our events are now not just justified, they are necessary.

“At this time, the Colombian people and its organizations, including its People`s Army, say and take note that we are not alone. Thanks to the anger and the courage of the Mexican people and its organizations we can unite hundreds of people here. This demonstrates the rage and courage that tells the Empire, the Colombian ruling class and the ruling classes of the world that there is solidarity with the struggle in Colombia.

“When they say, `You are either with us or you are terrorists,` they erase rights such as that of self-determination of the people and its right to develop freely.

“This is why we raise high the banner of peace and we continue to maintain our positions. But at the same time we demand our legitimate right to defend ourselves. That is why we want to clearly show that it is the government, it is the state, it is the Empire that is responsible for the violence that our people live with, and we cannot allow the media or anyone to hide the real causes of our problems.”

The Third International Encounter in Solidarity and for Peace in Colombia and Latin America will take place in Nicaragua at a date to be determined.

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