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The Peres – Qurei meeting is against the will of our people and gives a political cover for Sharon`s

16. March 2002

PFLP Press Release

Ramallah: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has commented about the meeting between Israeli Foreign Minister, Shimon Peres, and Speaker of the Palestinian Parliament, Ahmad Qurei. The Popular Front stated that this meeting constitutes a departure from the will of the Palestinian people and provides a political cover for the crimes, the massacres, and the mass butchery of the government of Zionist unity and for its decision to continue and intensify these crimes against our people, as it also circumvents the option of resistance struggle that has brought Sharon`s military program to a real impasse after the qualitative blows of the resistance demonstrated the failure of this program in its confrontation with the intifada and resistance. The Popular Front statement added that this meeting takes place as a result of American pressure and dictate in order to undermine the intifada and resistance. It follows the failure of American policy to convince world public opinion of its description of our people`s resistance struggle as “terrorism,” and it comes in preparation for the visit of the US administration`s Vice President, Dick Cheney, to the region to make the arrangements for expected American aggression against fraternal Iraq.

The Popular Front statement demanded that the leadership of the Palestine Authority stop fantasizing about driving the Sharon government into political negotiations because even if this is accomplished, it will mean nothing more than a return to square one of the fruitless negotiations that brought great suffering to our people when, for a period of ten years, Palestinian time and efforts were wasted for the sake of the Zionist security agenda. The statement said that this meeting constitutes a stab in the side of Arab and international support for our people`s choice of continuing to resist the occupation and its on-going aggression, the latest example of that support being the demonstration of fifty thousand people in Rome.

The Popular Front statement called on the masses of our people, on the patriotic and Islamic forces and their military resistance wings not to look to useless meetings such as this, but to continue the option of resistance, the most effective way to drive out the occupation and seize back the national rights of our people to return, freedom, and independence.

Press Office
10 March 2002.
