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Wiro Petro, Indonesia : Detained Workers

17. March 2002

Urgent Appeal for Solidarity

On October 2001 PT. Wirapetro Plastindo, one of FNPBI held demonstration. Action begun with marched from Pasar Mangkang to Factory. Protestor yields their slogan enthusiastic. However only Bambang Suhardi (HRD) met this protestor. Finally workers delegates , Manpower department, assisted by police agree to negotiate. Workers ask the assistances from FNPBI regional organizer but manpower department did not allow them to do it.

Police intimidate negotiation by limiting time and forces to fulfilled only normative rights . Negotiation ended at 12.00 and employers insist to limit negotiation on normative rights. At 15.00 Mass action continue to strike all the reported was chased away from factory.

11 October 2001
Mass action marched to District level House of representative

Action begun from 08.00 but the mass action are ignored, mass action continue to marched to Manpower Department (DISNAKER). Workers did oration and asked DISNAKER to use their authority to call employers to negotiate. Protestor decide to occupy DISNAKER office. This action monitored by police

12 October 2001

DISNAKER , police , FNPBI wiro petro representative come to the employers resident but could not found employers, went to factory and find only human resources officers. Workers intend to negotiate but employer never available. Workers intend to re occupy DISNAKER office but prohibited. Workers instructed to leave DISNAKER building at 15.00, and will give this matter to police if workers refused. Workers decided to leave at 16.00

15-16 October 2001
On October 15 employers broke the agreement by suspended 91 protestor. On the next day FNPBI marched to DISNAKER to ask their authority and responsibility since the agreement follow by them also. Former agreement stated there will not be any intimidation, suspension , mutation, shaking after the strike. PHK. Workers get completely shock by DISNAKER position who stand with employers and allowed to intimidate action.

17 October 2001
Strike continue, begun with marched in DISNAKER and continue to House of representative.

18 October 2001

Demonstration begun at 05.00 in the morning in front of factory Police came at 07.00 and directly chase and beat protestor. Two troops instruct the workers to dismissed. Workers very panic and spread while 50 workers still stand, and gathers other panic workers. Police sending another 2 troops. Workers remain strike until 16.00. Secretary of FNPBI Semarang state that today´s police same with police of new order who always intervened. At 18.00 suspended workers begun to build tents. 21.30 another troops, motored police arrived. Not long after talking with HRD officer instruct workers to dismissed in 15 minute. When workers prepared to move police attacked all the protestor. The major targets are leader of FNPBI, 6 organizer of FNPBI arrested., Mariyadi ( Leader of FNPBI Semarang), Somad, (Secretary of FNPBI Semarang), Aris Septiono (district secretary), Abdur, Wahyu, and Giyanto (FNPBI Wira Petro committee ).


Other pro-democratic movement condemned this cruel attack . Pro-democratic movement such as PMKRI (Catholic student) , LMND( Student National League for Democracy) , FMKI( Christian student) , PRD (People Democratic Party , LBH( Law office ) – Semarang and FNPBI it self build solidarity front for this.

This front state that all imprisoned workers are FNPBI members, some of them main committee , the legal organization. The imprisoning is based on law number 335 consider to do violence demonstration and incite the workers to move. In fact this is completely workers case and must be over come by workers law.

This forum actively fight for the freedom of 6 activist.

Solo, Other part of Java held the solidarity action. LMND, Akar rumput, PRD and Jaker (Cultural Network). The support spread massively especially in Human Rights day.

All this workers still detain. The profile of the detained workers as a following :

Wahyu Nugroho bin Imam Efendi. (21years old), Committee of FNPBI, Workers. His status when 18 October demonstration was non active workers, due to his involvement for MAYDAY.
Yohanes Sugianto bin Karto Wasito. (22 years old), Male vice leader of FNPBI Wira Petro. His status is non active workers since his involvement on 10-12 October 2001.
Abdul Rohman bin Jupri. (19 years old), male . He is Financial division FNPBI PT. WIRAPETRO PLASINDO. Before detained in October 2001. His status is employee but non active due to participate in 10 –12 October strike.
Abu Somad bin Khoiri (25 years old ), male. He is Organization department. He led the strike.
Imam Maryadi bin Lugiyanto. (26 years old), male . He is laid off because of his activity in trade union.
Aris Septiono bin Marino.20 Years old , Leader of FNPBI Semarang.
We really need your support in form of Solidarity message , statement. Send it to our email and to ;

1. Pengadilan Negri Semarang

Jl Siliwangi 512 Krapyak, Semarang

Jawa Tengah – Indonesia

Judge : Sri Rahayu sh; Daryono sh; Lgw Surya

2. Republic Indonesia Police department : (fax) 62-21-7202142

3. Central Java police department :(fax) 62-24-415461

4. Manpower department Fax : 62-21-5255733

Please send the copy to our email

Indonesian National Front for Labour Struggles
