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Preliminary Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2002

18. March 2002

Assisi, Italy, August 3 – August 10, 2002

Saturday, August 3, 2002

21.30: Presentation and Concert

Sunday, August 4, 2002

10.00 Plenary Session:
Inquiry on Porto Alegre
Anti-globalisation and the World Social Forum: left liberalism vs. anti-imperialism
J. Peirero, Professor, Brasil
Moreno Pasquinelli, Spokesman of the Anti-imperialist Camp
Leonardo Mazzei, Confederation of Communists, Italy

16.00 Workshops:
1. Build an anti-imperialist pole in the anti-globalisation movement – towards Saloniki 2003
Dimitrios Pavlidis, Anti-imperialist Committee Saloniki, Greece
Gheorgios Xilouris, Student movement of Athens, Greece
Stelios Agkoutoglou, Communist Party of Greece (ML)

2. Empire and Imperialism
Constanzo Preve, Professor and Philosopher, Italy
3. ATTAC, Participatory Democracy – the deceit of globalisation from below
Abderahim Cherrouqui, ATTAC Marocco
Gernot Zeiler, International Leninist Current
Daniel Straga, Correpi, Argentine

Carlos Aznárez, Resumen Latinoamericano, author of “MST – rebels without land”

Monday, August 5, 2002

10.00 Plenary Session:
War against terrorism or war against freedom?
Survey on the decline of democracy in the West
Sharon Black Ceci, International Action Center, USA
Zafar Aslam, Int´l secretary of Communist Workers Peasant Party, Pakistan
Willi Langthaler, International Leninist Current

16.00 Workshops:
1. From Guantánamo to the UPA: how the US break international conventions
Daniel Straga, Correpi, Argentine
Sharon Black Ceci, International Action Center, USA

2. September 11 – whose plot?
Rainer Rupp, journalist and intelligence specialist, Germany
3. 270bis, ter, quarter: criminalisation of the anti-imperialists and the Muslim community in Italy
Advocate Vainer Burani


Tuesday, August 6, 2002

10.00 Plenary Session:
Take the Tribunal to Court
The Hague Tribunal and Milosevic´s self defence
Fulvio Grimaldi, renown Italian journalist and member of the International Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM)
Witold Fischer, historian, former officer of the GDR´s People´s Army and member of the ICDSM
Serguei Novikov, historian and CC and Int´l Commission member the RKRP-RPK (Communist Workers Party of Russia – Revolutionary Party of Communists)
Andrea Martocchia, National Coordination for Yugoslavia, Italy

16.00 Workshops:
1. NATO´s new strategy to strike first and Russia´s answer
Rainer Rupp
Serguei Novikov

2. Afghanistan: the Pyrrhic Victory for US imperialism
Moreno Pasquinelli
Ejaz Ghani, PB of Communist Workers Peasant Party, Pakistan

3. Media as the “forth arm” (Jamie Shea) of permanent war
Fulvio Grimaldi
Witold Fischer
Sandra Rondon, Nueva Colombia News Agency

Carlos Aznárez

Wednesday, August 7, 2002

10.00 Plenary Session:
The EU´s black list
The new attack on the Basque people and the fight for the elementary democratic rights
Batasuna, Basque Country

16.00 Workshops:
1. The judge Garzon: International jurisdiction as an instrument of imperialist intervention
Batasuna, Basque Country
Daniel Straga, Correpi, Argentine
Dolores Araya, ODEP, Chile

2. US interventionism in South East Asia
Cesar Taguba, spokesman of Bayan and Bayan Muna, Philippines
Tatiana Lukman, CSVI/ GPDI Co-ordination group for Support the People`s Resistance in Indonesia
Gernot Zeiler, International Leninist Current, participant at a Bayan solidarity delegation to Mindanao
Nepal solidarity Committee

3. Turkey-Kurdistan: strategy of peace or armed struggle?
Serkan Hozat, KADEK, Kurdistan
DHKP-C, Turkey-Kurdistan


Thursday, August 8, 2002

10.00 Plenary Session:
Latin America Vietnamised
US intervention from Puebla to Tierra del Fuego
Wilbert Villca Là³pez, Leader of the Cocaleros, Secretary of the Movement for Socialism and right hand to Evo Morales, Bolivia
Protagonists of the popular movement, Colombia
Daniel Straga, Argentine
Professor J Peirera, Brasil

16.00 Workshops:
1. Colombia: process of peace and process of civil war
Cesar Carrillo, Unià³n Sindical Obrera USO and other main protagonists of the popular struggle, Colombia
2. Argentina: the break down of capitalism and the dynamics of popular movements
Daniel Straga, Correpi, Argentine
3. Bolivia: The new wave of peasant struggles and the election success of Evo Morales
Wilbert Villca Là³pez


Friday, August 9, 2002

10.00 Plenary Session:
We are all Palestinians
Intifada, the spark in the Middle East´s powder keg
Muhammad Asa´d Kanaa´nah, Secretary General of Abnaa al-Balad, main Palestine movement within the green line
Mohamed Regragui, leader of the revolutionary left of Marocco
Mohamed Bakri

16.00 Workshops:
1. Two peoples two states or one democratic and united Palestine
Muhammad Asa´d Kanaa´nah
Ali Nasar, Palestinian spokesman of the Anti-imperialist Camp
2. Iraq: US strategies and new war sceneries
Sharon Black Ceci
Willi Langthaler
Cesar Taguba
3. Islam: Jihad as anti-imperialist struggle
Hasan Oliek, Movement of Commoners, Lebanon
Mohamed Regragui, Marocco
Zafar Alsan, Pakistan

21.30 Film Jenin
by Mohamed Bakri
