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PFLP: Resistance is a legitimate right

11. April 2002

Press release, April 8, 2002

In light of the continuous Israeli occupation of Palestine, the PFLP believes that resistance to the occupation through any means is a legitimate right as understood by international convention. The PFLP believes that the goals of the Palestinian people (the right to self-determination, the right to an independent and sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and the right of refugees to return), are to be understood as transitional measures on the way to establishing a democratic state in historic Palestine, where all peoples can live as equal citizens, entitled to basic human rights, regardless of race, religion, color, or sex. The PFLP works toward these goals through fostering cooperative efforts among Palestinians, the Arab Nation, and all international progressive forces. The PFLP strives toward enhancing its international relations and alliances with states and organizations that work to foster social justice, freedom, and peace, as well as with those who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian cause. The PFLP believes that in order to create a world free of exploitation, oppression, and injustice, it is necessary to confront not only Zionism, but all imperialist aggressive policies. Based on this, PFLP strategy includes the following: 1. liberation from occupation: a. self-determination for the Palestinian people b. right of refugees to return c. sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital d. dismantling of Israeli settlements 2. construction of a democratic society, where all peoples can live as equal citizens, entitled to basic human rights, regardless of race, religion, color, or sex: a. commitment to democratic values throughout all public arenas (political, social, and economic) b. formulation of civil law c. the recognition and safeguarding of women`s rights d. the recognition and safeguarding of children`s rights e. formulation of just election methods and legislation f. separation of judicial, executive, and legislative authorities g. enforcement of public respect for the law and the concept that all people are subject to the law h. introduction of a more adequate national educational system based on the right of all to education i. introduction of an adequate health care system accessible to all j. the restructuring of agricultural production and general industry based on community needs k. increased efforts to fight poverty l. increased efforts to ensure freedom of speech and media m. protection of organizations committed to building a civil society n. redistribution of national income based on social justice standards, taking into consideration marginalized sectors of society o. introduction of a social welfare and social security system p. formulation of a plan for economic development 3. recognition that the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab Nation 4. recognition that the Palestinian struggle is part of the international, democratic struggle toward liberation, progress, democracy, and social justice
