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Pakistan: left alliance for October elections created

18. April 2002

Negotiations underway regarding the inclusion of Labour Party Pakistan in the left alliance for October elections

Pakistan National Council (PNC), which at the moment is the largest left alliance in Pakistan, decided in its meeting three months ago to form a broad-based front for participation in the upcoming general elections to be held in October, 2002. Presently, notable parties that constitute the PNC are Pakistan`s People`s Party (Shaheed Bhutto), Communist Mazddor Kissan Party (CMKP), National Workers Party (NWP), Tehrik-e-Istaqlal etc.

The governing committee of PNC has been contacting other progressive and left parties for the creation of the election front. In a meeting held on 11th April 2002, Labour Party of Pakistan (LPP), along with many other parties, also requested for inclusion in the left alliance. On 21st of April 2002, PNC will meet to discuss its enlargement for the upcoming general elections.

Earlier, LPP was making efforts to form a socialist alliance for the elections. However, its efforts were fruitless as many parties already consider PNC to be that `socialist alliance`. Now LPP itself wants to join this alliance.

In solidarity,
Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party, Punjab.
