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PFLP statement

10. May 2002

April 29, 2002

Political Declaration
issued by the Political Bureau of the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

To the masses of our people and our Arab Nation,

By its agreement yesterday to the American proposal concerning putting the group of heroes who carried out the operation of executing the
criminal Ze`evi under American-British guard, the Palestine Authority,
regardless of any excuses that it might make for this agreement, has committed a new offense that is fraught with dangerous meanings and implications. Some of these are:

– This agreement represents a new link in a chain of offenses and
mistakes that began with the arrest of the General Secretary of the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Comrade Ahmad Saadat, and after that with the arrest of the heroes of this group and putting them on trial, and last but not least putting them under American-British guard as “terrorists” rather than patriotic resistance fighters against the systematic Zionist terror, which is now being implemented at the state level and with the total participation of the American Administration.

– The conviction of those heroes by the Palestine Authority, putting
them on trial, and describing their courageous act that was part of the
heroic Palestinian resistance and intifada as something “illegal” will lay the basis for putting the whole Palestinian national struggle and the
heroic intifada on trial in accordance with the criteria of the rulers in Tel Aviv and their allies in Washington, who have clearly stated that the
Palestinian intifada is an organized terrorist act. This situation demands that we warn of the consequences of confusing terrorism with the legitimate resistance struggle of our heroic Palestinian people.

– This new concession on the part of the Palestine Authority will whet
the appetite of our people`s enemies in Washington and Tel Aviv to
demand more and more Palestinian concessions. It will in no way end the
policy of extortion being practiced now by the Washington and Tel Aviv
governments, as some of the Palestine Authority staff believe and claim.

– This agreement represents the beginning of a scenario aimed at ending the isolation of the Zionist entity and its Prime Minister the criminal
Sharon, whose forces still occupy the whole of the Palestinian territories and are continuing to commit their crimes against our people – the very
crimes that have been and still are the object of international denunciation, condemnation, and horror.

– This agreement by the Palestine Authority appears as an agreement
concluded to break the siege of the Palestinian President while the
intensified siege of the Palestinian people continues. It is an agreement that is rejected by all national criteria and standards.

We in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, as we reiterate again our principled rejection of the arrest, trial, and conviction of our comrades, and of placing them under American-British guard, call for
the release of those heroes and the other political detainees in the prisons of the Palestine Authority, and in the first place the release of the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the fighter Ahmad Saadat.

We affirm again our resolve to hold fast by the decision to resist the
occupation by all possible means until our national rights are attained, in the first place the rights of return, self-determination, and the
establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state with its
capital in Jerusalem.

Putting our comrades on trial means putting on trial the Palestinian national struggle and the legitimacy of that struggle which has been
guaranteed by all international documents and the principles of the United Nations that affirm the right to resist occupation and aggression by all means and in all ways.

The Political Bureau
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
29 April 2002.
