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Palestine/Nepal/General Resolution

26. June 2002

Resolutions of the International Seminar: Imperialism, War and Current Situation, Athens, 1 June 2002

General Resolution

1. The sharpening of the capitalist crisis and inter-imperialist contradictions as they have been formed after the victory of the West in the Cold War over the Eastern Block, form a negative and dangerous situation for the proletariat and the peoples of the world. The exploitation and oppression of the working masses and of the poor dependent countries of the planet is intensified by the great imperialist forces.
2. Especially after the 11th of September, the American superpower, under the pretext of “terrorism”, escalates and militarizes its aggression which has the well declared target of global domination. On this basis, it has launched an open military campaign in Central Asia and at the same time intervenes in several fronts throughout the world (Balkans, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Southeastern Asia, Latin America) and point out their ruthless goals by nuclear threats against their rivals and the peoples.

3. The other imperialist forces (Russia, W. Europe) and China independently of their real possibilities each one has, act in a tactical way, seeking for the proper strategic alliances that will allow – to each of them alone – the maximum possible strengthening in front of the new distribution of the world. None of these forces can counterbalance the American aggressiveness and become a support for the peoples and their struggle.

4. The peoples throughout the world -despite the negative correlation formed in the last decades because of the defeat of the communist movement – resist, fight, demand. In great territories of the planet from South Eastern Asia to Turkey, to Latin America, mass revolutionary movements, with peoples` war, with demonstrations and other forms, question the imperialist domination and build the terms of new overturning. In the capitalist imperialist metropolises mass movements and struggles break out. The oppressed masses on the basis of their objective needs, seek through their struggle their revolutionary perspective and their way out of the bonds of capitalism imperialism.

5. In this context the duties of the revolutionary communist anti-imperialist parties and organizations are especially important. The need for an even more methodical and systematic cooperation, communication and promotion of the experience of peoples` struggle in every country and territory is intense. The need for the formation of a common front of struggle of the peoples of the Balkans and Turkey against imperialism, war, fascism and nationalism and imperialist terrorism is intense. To construct a global anti-imperialist anti-war democratic front of peoples to stop the devastation to open the way to a free, independent, peaceful coexistence among the peoples of the world is a demand.

Resolution on Palestine

We condemn the continuous atrocity of the Zionist state of Israel, which under the guidance of the American imperialism, slaughters, imprisons and exterminates the heroic people of Palestine, whose rightful struggle claims liberty and independence.

The heroic Intifada, the constant incomparable Palestinian resistance inspires the millions of oppressed Arab masses and, at the same time, is a call of anti-imperialist struggle to all the peoples of the world, threatened by the murderous American superpower, by the sharpening of the inter-imperialist contradiction and the aggressiveness of the capitalist imperialist system.

The murderous activity of the Israeli troops, the American intervention in the issue of Palestine, the hypocrisy and complicity of the European imperialists and Russia, the maneuvers and opportunism of every type cannot suppress or manipulate the struggle of the Palestinian people, if that struggle is reinforced by the peoples of the region, by the expression of the global peoples` solidarity to the rightful heroic fight.

The 8.000 imprisoned fighters must be released.
No to the state of hostage imposed on the 13 fighters.
Refugees and exiles must return to their homeland and their struggle.
Freedom to Ahmad Saadat and Barghuti
The troops of butcher Sharon must be thrown out of the region of Gaza and the West
Long live the Palestinian struggle.
Freedom and independence to Palestine.
Victory of Intifada.
Death to fascism, zionism and imperialism.
The peoples will win.

Resolution on Nepal

Representatives of communist, left and anti-imperialist parties, organizations and movements that have taken part in the international seminar Imperialism, War and Current Situation organized by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) in Athens on 1/6/02 were informed with sorrow about the arrest of the manager and deputy manager of the Nepali legal newspaper Solidarity International distributed in 57 cities of 23 countries worldwide and who were to participate in this international seminar as members of the Citizen Concern Society (CICOS), Nepal.

These arrests took place in the capital of Nepal Katmandu few days ago, while press materials and technical means were confiscated by the authorities. These acts are part of a wide wave of arrests, mass slaughter, terrorism and repression launched by the government and the army and supported by imperialism and India during the recent period.

The objective of this campaign against the people of Nepal and the left movement is to bend the revolutionary, democratic, peoples struggle for independence, freedom and democracy.

The participants in the international seminar express their solidarity to the arrested, demand their immediate release and take the occasion to send a message of solidarity to the suffering and struggling people of Nepal and to its vanguard revolutionary forces.

Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)
Communist Party of Turkey Marxist/Leninist
Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Janashakti
Communist Party of Albania
Communist Party of the Philippines
Anti-imperialist Camp
Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) [People`s War]Afghan Refugees in Greece
Union of Palestinian Workers in Greece
