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November 1-4, 2002: International Conference in Response to heightening imperialist War and Militari

29. June 2002

by: Grassroots Women, June 27, 2002

Women launch a Historic International Conference in Response to heightening Imperialist War and Militarization
(Vancouver, Canada)

GABRIELA-Philippines and Grassroots Women –Vancouver call women around the world to participate this November 1-4, 2002, in “Towards our Liberation: an international women´s conference against imperialist war and plunder”, a conference exploring the growing military interventions and attacks that are particularly targeting marginalized women of the Third World. Being held in Vancouver, Canada, the conference will provide a forum for women to reflect, unite and take action in response to this actual and expanded aggression.
“The so-called War on Terrorism has given a …‘carte blanche´ to aggressor forces and has intensified the negative impacts of oppression on marginalized women, such as rape, sex trafficking, displacement and the destruction of communities and the weakening of democratic rights,” explains Sarah Bailey, member of Grassroots Women. “In the face of this, the strength of women´s resistance has become essential.”
Organized under the auspices of the International League of People´s Struggles (ILPS), the conference will include delegates from numerous mass organizations internationally. Speakers will address the themes of wars of aggression, imperialist globalization, fundamentalism and role of women in the struggle for national and social liberation.
GABRIELA-Philippines is a national alliance of 250 women´s organizations that promotes women´s unity to wage a struggle of the liberation of women and the rest of Filipino people and joins in international solidarity with other women´s organizations internationally. A co-convener of the conference, Grassroots Women conducts campaigns on the impact of imperialist globalization on marginalized women and seeks to promote a militant women´s movement. The conference has been organized with the support of the International League of People´s Struggles, an anti-imperialist and democratic organization composed of over 200 mass organizations from 40 countries.

Source: Grassroots Women
