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National Action Day of People´s Democratic Party (PRD)

23. July 2002

Istana Negara, Jakarta, July 30, 2002, 11 AM

Overthrow of Imperialism Puphet`s Mega-Hamzah Gouvernment !
Build of Poor´s Gouvernment !

PRD´s Action National Day program is immediate task of Indonesian peoples which aim to overthrow of Mega-Hamzah and replace by Poor Gouvernment. Poor´s Gouvernment is the gouvernment which based on coalition or unifying of people movement or democratic blocks since we have to unify all of forces into one body. Students movement, trade unions, peasents movement, urban poor movement, Political Party whose reformation programs, NGO, artist, Police/Military whom doesn´t have record of human´s right abuses and not involving of corruption, women movement, religious movement (Priest, ), National Liberation Movement of Aceh and Papua, and indigineous people must united into one body which is call National Precidium of Poor Gouvernment which stand from National level till Region Level, moreever at RT (Neighborhood level).

Economic and Politic Programs of Poor Gouverrnent

International Programs
v Abolish of IMF and WB
v Cancelled of Foreign Debt
v Independence for Palestenes
v Stop military intervention of imperialist countries

Politics and Law´s Programs
v Arrested and Bring to the Court of General whose record of human´s rights abuses
v Take Golkar to the Court
v Arrested and Bring to the Court of coruptors since New Order till Mega-Hazah Gouvernment
v Nasionalization of coruptor´s assests to subsidy for poor people
v Rejecting of laws which have senses of anti-democratic
v Referendum for Aceh
v Withdraw military out from Aceh and Papua
v Held dialogue democratically to Achenese
v Abolish of Dual Function of Military (Dismiss of Region Military Teritoy, Stop of Military/Police Fraction at Parliament, etc)
v Stop discimination against Race, Religion and Women)

Economic Programs:
v Cancelled of Foreign Debt
v Reducing of Fundamental Needed Prices
v Up wages 100 % (including of Lowest Rank of Military and Police)
v Reject of cuts of subsidies of oil, electricity and telephone
v Reject of privitation
v Stop of cuts off
v Free Education for people
v Free for peoples health
v Stop demolishing for poor people
v House for Peoples
v Reject of liberaton of Food
v Modern and cheap technology for peasents and fisherman
v Land for peasents
v Fertilizier cheap for peasents

Mega-Hamzah Gouvernment is not for Poor Peoples !
Replace Mega-Hamzah Gouvernment Now !
Build of poor Peoples !

Jakarta, July 1, 2002

Central Leadership Committee – People´s Deocratic Party
