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September 11 and the new NATO strategy

25. July 2002

Rainer Rupp in Assisi

Rainer Rupp was a high ranking NATO official and at the same time member of the intelligence service of the GDR during the Cold War. He works now as journalist and member of the PDS (Party of Democratic Socialism) in Germany. At the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy, August 3-10, he will report about questions and contradictions concerning September 11, a topic on which he had also published lately.

Monday, August 5, 2002, 16.00:
September 11 – whose plot?

Without giving a definitive answer to this question, the countless absurdities of the official version of the happenings on September 11 will be shown. By doing so, it must not be our main aim to come up with politically useless conspiracy theories, because eventually they just confirm and thus – deliberately or not – also strengthen alleged imperialist omnipotence. But our aim must be to show the political and military interests of the US and their allies, the new relationship between the US and their partner-rivals like Russia and China as well as the consequences of the declaration of permanent war against all forces not willing to subordinate.

Tuesday, August 6, 2002, 16.00
NATO`s new strategy to strike first and Russia`s answer

Serguei Novikov, historian and member of the Central Committee and the International Commission of the lately united RKRP-RPK (Communist Workers Party of Russia – Revolutionary Party of Communists) already participated in the Anti-imperialist Camps 1997, 1998 and 2000. He will explain the analyses and positions of the RKRP-RPK and report about the Russian discussion concerning the increasing dependence of the Putin regime on the US.
