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“You will mow the storm”

22. October 2002

by the RCWP-PRC ob pesecution of communists in Russia

Statement of the RCWP-RPC secretaries of the Central Committee about the police attack on the Youth Communist League activists

On the 15th of September Russian youth Communist organizations were holding a mass manifestation “Anticapitalism-2002” in Moscow.

Moscow authorities caused various hindrances to the youth protest both in the preparatory stage, when they banned the youth march in the city streets as well as the final concert of musical groups, and also during the main meeting, when they detained and took to militia about 100 participants of the manifestation. In the time, when participants were gathering for the meeting, the authorities had deliberately created humiliating and harassing conditions for the people`s passing to the square through numerous police cordons, and the very square was turned into a real cage by metallic fences and police chains, situated along its perimeter. All that provoked anger and breakthrough in the police chains by some of the youth. And in the end of the meeting this incident was used as an occasion for illegal detention and brutal beating of the young Communist activists, including members of the Russian Youth Communist League of Bolsheviks (RKSM(b) in Russian transcription).

The young people were kept in militia detention for two days. Most of them were accused in violation of social order and in resisting the authorities, and many of them fined.

The RCWP-RPC Central Committee considers the actions of the bourgeois Moscow authorities as a continuity of the fascisation of the ruling regime. It is a repetition of persecutions over the demonstrators, that took place in February 1992 and in may 1993 — persecutions, that culminated in the Black October (the bombardment of the Supreme Soviet and its defenders on the 4th of October 1993).

The bourgeois regime has already worked out its tactics of dealing with the opposition in the State Duma by applying a comfortable and obedient majority in parliament. And in so far as the elections are concerned, they throw huge financial resources and use administrative pressure against the left forces campaigns. Traditional manifestations in May and November are presented by the mass media as nostalgic gatherings of the older generation. However the regime failed to find any ready-made recipe of peaceful quieting or effective ideological label against the radical mass anti-capitalist mobilization of the youth. Therefore they had to resort to an immediate police persecution with the intention to intimidate the younger generation of revolutionaries.

They failed!

The RCWP-RPC Central Committee expresses its solidarity with the young fighters with the capitalist oppression and warns: you will mow the storm!

Co-chairmen of the RCWP-RPS Central Committee
Victor A. Tiulkin
Anatoly V. Kriuchkov

Secretaries of the RCWP-RPC
Yury G. Terentiev
Boris A. Yachmenev
Natalia O. Glagoleva

Further information in Russian
