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Against the imperialist war, against the black lists!

5. November 2002

Anti-imperialist block in Florence, Nov 9

In the Nov 9 mobilisation against the war on Iraq in Florence, Italy, the Anti-imperialist forces of Italy have decided to participate in a separate block. Their main front banner will read:

Defend Iraq – down with the black list

They will have a separate anti-imperialist final rally where the anti-imperialist forces from around the world can raise their voice.

We call upon all the anti-imperialist forces to give their support comrades-in-arms by endorsing the call, conveying greeting addresses and sending delegations.


Against the imperialist war, against the black lists!
The resistance goes on!

Militant support for the anti-imperialist forces around the world

The imperialist war launched by the US, which – after Yugoslavia and Afghanistan – is directed against the already suffering Iraqi people, has become asymmetric, permanent and preventive. It does not only consist of massive bombing raids but also of world wide organised repression against all those forces mounting resistance against oppression and imperialist domination.

Liberation movements, communist organisations, anti-imperialist forces in general as well as individuals have been put on the black list requested by Bush and immediately adopted by the European Union. (This has been supported by the social-democratic parties who already had driven the infamous aggression against Yugoslavia.)

By calling the liberation movements of the oppressed peoples terrorist the US and the EU are trying to legitimise their proscription. Criminalizing the popular struggles in Palestine, Kurdistan, Turkey, Colombia, Nepal, the Basque county they violate even international law which stipulates the legitimacy of resistance against foreign occupation, Zionism and fascism.

In Europe and in Italy with the Berlusconi government allied to the US this escalation means a new qualitative step in the attack on the living condition of the proletarians (and in hand with lay-offs, flexibility, destruction of the welfare state etc.) let alone the racist persecution against the immigrants.

As anti-imperialist organisations we therefore propose the stable and organised unity of all the forces fighting against the war of aggression on Iraq. Our perspective is a large international front which opposes, resists and fights which all the means at its disposal.

Not a single man, not a single penny, not a single military base for war.
Full support to the Iraqi people, the Palestinian resistance and of the peoples fighting against imperialist oppression.
Against the military and police of the bosses, the black lists, the criminalisation of immigrants and social struggles, state repression and the manipulative power of the mass media.
Close US-NATO military bases in Europe and the Middle East!

The only war acceptable to the peoples is their liberation war!

Anti-imperialist block and rally at the demonstration, November 9

We participate at the demonstration which departs from Fortezza da Basso (corner via Lorenzo il Magnifico). We will have our final anti-imperialist rally on piazza Chiesa where international representatives of liberation movements and of workers and immigrants will address the participants.

Anti-imperialist Assembly, November 10

In order to create a stable co-operation between the anti-imperialist forces: Presso la Casa del Popolo Ponte a Greve, Via Pisana, 809

Italian supporters:
Assemblea antimperialista; Campo Antimperialista; Centro Popolare Occupato “La Fucina”; Comitati contro la guerra di Milano; Comitato contro la guerra Roma-Sud; Comitato per la Pace e la solidarietà  fra i Popoli; Comitato Provvisorio Immigrati in Italia; Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia; Coordinamento dei comitati antimperialisti-antifascisti toscano; Coordinamento romagnolo contro le guerre e la Nato; G.A.MA.DI; Gruppo Zastava Trieste; Redazione di Resumen Latinoamericano; Soccorso Popolare
