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Thessalonica: anti-imperialist demo against EU summit

3. December 2002

From November 29 to December 1 an international meeting to prepare an anti-imperialist block against the summit of the European Union scheduled for June 18 to 20 took place in Greece. It was convened by numerous Greek anti-imperialist forces not participating in the Greek Social Forum. Several international delegation were present among them Palestinians, Colombians as well as a representative of the Anti-imperialist Camp.

In the frame of three days about 1000 people participated in the meeting taking place in the university of Thessalonica. The discussions revolved around the international situation after September 11 and the terror war unleashed by the US, imperialism and Negri´s thesis on the Empire as well as the project of an joint international anti-imperialist mobilisation against the EU´s summit.

The forum “Thessaloniki Resistance 2003” and the Anti-imperialist Camp have committed themselves to mobilise together against the summit forming a common anti-imperialist block. Our common stance elaborated at Assisi´s Anti-imperialist Camp has been re-affirmed:

Support the resistance of Iraq and its people against the impending imperialist aggression!
On the side of the liberation movements fighting against imperialism like those of the Palestinian, the Colombian or the Basque people!
NATO out of the Balkans!
Withdraw the EU´s black list against the liberation movements!
Down with the EU and its liberal governments attacking workers and the popular masses!
Let´s turn the US terror war into the end of the US world order!

For further information see:
