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“Democracy will help us to stand commonly against US aggression”

3. February 2003

Congress of the Iraqi National Coalition

On February 8 and 9 the congress of the Iraqi National Coalition will take place in Paris. About two hundred delegates are expected to represent the following components of this patriotic opposition:

1. opposition wing of the Arab Baath Socialist Party,
2. Socialist Unity Party (of Nasserite orientation),
3. Arab Labour Party (Arab Nationalist – Marxist),
4. Arab Socialist Movement (remainder of the Arab Nationalists` Movement, mostly inclined to Marxism),
5. Kurdish Islamic Army,
6. Kurdistan Peace Party (an elite of Kurdish intellectuals and journalists),
7. patriotic current in the Iraqi Communist Party,
8. independent political and intellectual figures

In a statement released on February 3 Abd al-Jabbar al-Kubaysi, the leader of the coalition, defined the aims of the forthcoming congress as follows:

a. to show our opposition to the war that American imperialism may inflict again on our country Iraq
b. to declare clearly that the Iraqi opposition groups are united in defending their country against American aggression and that we will fight with our people against American invasion
c. to declare our demand for freedom and democracy that will help us in better standing against our enemy

The Anti-imperialist Camp and several of its member groups will participate in the congress. Greeting addresses will be welcomed.
