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Execution of a political prisoner in Iran

23. February 2003

The Islamic regime of Iran executed Sassan Al-kanan(m), aged 35, in the prison of Sanandaj , the capital of Kurdistan province on 19 February 2003.
On 5 Jaunary 2003, Branch 1 of the Islamic”Revolutionary” Court in Sanandaj sentenced Sassan to death on various charges, including “acting against state security” and “supporting Komala Organisation. Sassan denied all the charges during interrogation and hearing.
On 16 January , a well informed judicial official in Sanandaj announced that two armed members of Komala visited Sassan while they were in town. He added that they were about to be arrested but could run away by the help of Sassan and two of others.
The sentence upheld by Supreme Court on 10 February 2003. Sassan was not given a chance to appeal and his lawyer was not informed about the process of the sentence confirmation.
The execution of Sassan carried out while a group of UN Human rights inspectors are visiting Iran and the mother of Sassan was in Tehran trying to meet with them for the sake of his son.

Source: Association of Iranian Political Prisoners(in Exile), International Secretariat
