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Human Shield arrested in Jordan!

19. March 2003

Mr Hasan Hamdar, a Lebanese citizen who has lived in Germany for many years and who is married to a German was arrested at the Airport in Amman, Jordan, on Thursday 13 of March. Today it is his sixth day of detention. He was part of a Berlin delegation of Human Shields on their way to Bagdad.

The delegation was kept at the airport as long as ten hours and was forced to stay there. When they left they tried to contact Mr Hamdar but were unable to get any information about whether he was still retained at the airport or possibly moved to the omnipotent Jordan secret service.

The Lebanese Consul in Amman has confirmed that Mr Hamdar is being retained at the airport. She said he would soon be released but she could not say whether he would be able to move freely in Amman or whether he would be sent back to Germany.

Such restriction of the right of free circulation imposed upon Arab citizens by Arab authorities seems to be part of a strategy tending to support the war policy of the United States.

Austrian and Italian Human Shields at the As-Saraya Hotel in Amman.
