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Pyongyang Mission of National Democratic Front of South Korea

3. July 2003

Message to the Anti-imperialist Camp

June 25, 2003, Pyongyang

The NDFSK Mission in Pyongyang, entrusted by its C.C., extends the most revolutionary and comradely greetings to your organization that renders warm support and solidarity to the NDFSK and the south Korean people`s just cause for turning over the US colonial ruling system and reunifying the divided country.

It is a great honor and encouragement for us to have genuine comrades like you.

The Korean peninsular situation is now in peril due to the frantic “nuclear racket” and reckless anti-north Korea nuclear war moves of the US and its sycophants.

The USFK(US Forces to Korea) in collusion with the ROK army is hell-bent on a new anti-north war drill entitled as “RSOI” exercise. Still more, it is going to be reinforced on a large scale by investing money over 11 billion USD. Not satisfied at redeployment and buildup of its military bases in south Korea, the US is even plotting to place around the Korean peninsula a rapid mobile force armed with up-to-date weapons including 130-odd tanks, armored vehicles and 1,100-odd military trucks.

In addition, the US tackles to a blockade operation by egging the sycophant forces of south Korea, Japan, etc. on to forming an international encirclement for stifling north Korea. Meanwhile, it contrives a tougher step on an international scale by putting the alleged “nuclear issue” of north Korea on the table of the UN.

Owing to such provocative challenges of the US, the situation is turning from bad to worse on the Korean peninsula and the peace is being gravely endangered.

It is thanks to the strong physical deterrent of north Korea that a war has not yet burst out on the Korean peninsula in spite of the extremely perilous military tension and serious war moves of the US. The physical deterrent of the north can be described as an invincible and justifiable defensive power for protecting the 70 million Korean nation including our south Koreans.

A war should have burst out more than dozen times on the Korean peninsula, but for the physical deterrent of the north against the military high-handedness of the US consistently increasing for 50 years.

That is why the NDFSK and the patriotic south Korean people of various social strata support and advocate the Songun policy of Marshal Kim Jong Il and the self-defensive war deterrent of north Korea, and conceive great national pride at them.

Though the situation is extremely tense and ordeals and difficulties are laid in the way of reunification, there is nothing impossible or to be feared since we have the ever-victorious Songun policy and the 70 million fellow countrymen are firmly united behind the banner of “By our nation itself”.

The NDFSK and the south Korean people will reunify the country without fail, faithful to the great Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il and the banner of the June 15 joint declaration, milestone of reunification.

In order to get rid of the war peril and open the phase of peace and reunification, the anti-north aggressive war moves of the US must be frustrated and its troops in south Korea be dispelled by the might of the anti-US, anti-war struggle.

The anti-US struggle today is a just struggle for the peace and safety of the world as well as the progress and prosperity of mankind.

We wish your organization prizing peace and aspiring after independence to conduct various anti-US, anti-war activities including statements, rallies, film or photo shows, etc. for stopping and foiling the tyranny, high-handedness, and war moves of the US.

We hope, too, that you will extend firm solidarity and support to the NDFSK and the south Korean people struggling to stop the aggressive anti-north war moves of the US that attempts to bar the implementation of the June 15 declaration, worsen the inter-Korean relations and provoke a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula.

We will be much grateful if you readily notify our Japan Mission of the result of your anti-US solidarity activities to be conducted, during the month of June 25-July 27 anti-US joint struggle, for denouncing the US hostile policy against north Korea and demanding the withdrawal of the US troops in south Korea.

Then the news will be widely reported through our media and contribute a great encouragement for our south Korean vanguards and people.

Once again deep respect and militant greetings to your organization.

Best regards,
Zo Il-min
NDFSK Mission in Pyongyang
