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Nepal: Maoist Contact Office closes due to the Terror created by the old State

21. July 2003

Kathmandu, July 20

Bharat Dhaungana, the office secretary of Maoist contact office said in a press statement, issued on Sunday that the contact office has to be closed down due to increasing espionage of the security forces around the office and the precarious situation of security for the Maoist peace negotiators. The press statement further says the Maoist leaders also could not stay in open because of the same security reasons. All people of Nepal know that after the 2nd round of peace talks the gov. has started to violate the code of conduct and other norms of negotiation. During the period of negotiation more than 18 moaist cadres were killed by the gov. To know in what way the negotiations of Nepal will go every one is waiting for the statment of maoist High Command Meeting.
