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Down with the US intervention in the Philippines!

16. September 2003

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003

Down with the US intervention in the Philippines!
Repeal the EU´s black list that contains the NPA and J M Sison!

On October 28, 2002, the Council of the European Union included Prof. Jose Maria Sison and the NPA of the Philippines to its list of “terrorist” persons, groups and entities. This decision was taken by written procedure, without discussion or due process and without citing any proof whatsoever.

The EU has followed the line of the US in targeting liberation movements and anti-imperialist organisations, liberation movements and progressive individuals by demonising and criminalizing them.

We deem this decision to be totally arbitrary, undemocratic and unjust. It is an attack on other anti-imperialist organisations, liberation movements and progressive individuals.

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People´s Army (NPA) are revolutionary organisations fighting for national and social liberation of the Filipino people from imperialism (principally US Imperialism), domestic feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism.

Prof. Sison is a staunch anti-imperialist, patriot and socialist. He plays and important role as chief political consultant of the peace negotiating panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). By listing Sison and the NPA as “terrorists”, the US and the EU are sabotaging the peace negotiations between the NDFP and the government of the Republic of the Philippines.

We participants to this Anti-imperialist Camp 2003 in Assisi, Italy, demand:

1) the removal of Jose Maria Sison and the NPA from the list mentioned in the European Council Decision 2002/848/EC
2) the complete abolition of the so-called terrorist list
3) the full respect for the protection of Jose Maria Sison as a refugee under relevant international conventions
4) stop to the US armed intervention in the Philippines


DHKP-C, Revolutionary People´s Liberation Party – Front, Turkey
BAYAN International, Philippines
National Movement – Union of Independent Forces, Venezuela
Sedunia, Austria
Initiativ, Duisburg, Germany
Left Front, Hungary
Iraqi Patriotic Coalition
APC, Arab Palestine Club, Vienna, Austria
KKE/ML, Communist Party of Greece / Marxist-Leninist
ILC, International Leninist Current
RKL-T, Revolutionary Communist League – Thuringia, Germany
Loyalty to Men and Earth, Lebanon
ACTUS, Action for Unity and Socialism, Chad
RCG, Revolutionary Communist group, Britain

Harsh Thakor, Indian democratic rights activist
