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“Every attack against one of us is an attack on all of us.”

20. October 2003

Solidarity declaration by the All India Peoples Resistance Forum with the Anti-imperialist Camp

The AIPRF, unequivocally condemns the subtle attempts made by the forces claiming to be “left” to disrupt the historical rally against the US aggression on Iraq organized by the Anti Imperialist Camp(AIC). We also condemn the slander campaign of the very same forces against the Anti Imperialist Camp.

Anti Imperialist Camp has been spearheading the anti war and anti imperialist initiatives in the Europe, especially in Italy. It has been the motive force behind the solidarity being built up for the cause of Iraqi people, in Europe. It is also striving to build strong anti imperialist pole with in the anti globalization movement. These initiatives are on the one hand radicalizing the movement on the other hand exposing the centrist and social democratic forces who are all the while ready for compromises with the system. In fact, we think, this is the important reason behind the forces who have resorted to slander the AIC.

This is the time, which demands absolute preparedness, ideological clarity, firm resolve, and all the more Politics in command to fight with imperialism and its lackeys who are spread out in different hues and colours. In such a circumstances, the campaign against the AIC is not only deplorable but also calls for the united fight against such veiled attempts to diffuse the anti imperialist movements with firm resolve and the united spirit.

The AIPRF, condemns the slander campaign against the AIC and calls upon all anti imperialist forces all over the world to lend their support to the camp and to make the Dec-6 Rally Against US led imperialist occupation of Iraq, a grand success. Because “Every attack against one of us is an attack on all of us.”

We are discussing with the other initiators and participants of the MR-2004, to condemn the slander attack on AIC.

Darshan Pal
All India President,
All India Peoples Resistance Forum (AIPRF)
