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Join Mumbai Resistance 2004

31. October 2003

Against Imperialist Globalisation and War

Invitation to join as a Participating Organisation of Mumbai Resistance 2004 – Against Imperialist Globalisation and War (MR-2004).

MR-2004 is a four day international event, scheduled for January 17-20, 2004. It is independent of and will run parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF), Mumbai.

It is part of the process of building a strong worldwide anti-imperialist movement going beyond the limits of WSF towards organised resistance in continuation of the militant traditions of the recent anti-globalisation and anti-war movements.

MR-2004 has a clear and unambiguous anti-imperialist focus and seeks to unite those who are genuinely opposed to imperialist globalisation and wars of aggression. Through sharing experiences and analysing imperialist strategies, it aims at developing a perspective that will unite all struggling forces, irrespective of the forms of struggle they may choose, and take the movement forward to confront and ultimately defeat imperialism.

MR-2004 stands for a concretely defined alternative socio-economic structure (unlike the amorphous “another world is possible” of the WSF) built on a basis of self-reliance, moving towards a genuine socialist order.

MR 2004 will hold a two-day seminar and a series of workshops (primarily on issues that affect the lives of the people), a day of cultural resistance on January 19th and a mammoth mass rally on January 20th.

We call on all those in favour of a militant and sustained struggle against imperialist globalisation and war to join this process.

The organisations acting as initiators of the MR-2004 process have, in a meeting held in Mumbai on 5th September, 2003, formulated its basis in the form of a document entitled “Introducing MR-2004”.

The initiators are now engaged in a process of contacting like-minded and active organisations throughout India and the world to join as participating organisations of MR-2004. All those agreeing with the basis of MR-2004 and registering as participating organisations are invited to a meeting of all participating organisations of the MR-2004 process to be held in Mumbai on 9th November, 2003. The purpose of this meeting is to finalise the plan for the MR2004 process and event, as well as to form the Organising Committee that will organise and implement this plan. After this meeting the Organising Committee and the required sub-committees that it forms will lead the whole MR-2004 process. The names of all the participating organisations will be listed on the Mumbai Resistance website as well as on all relevant literature of MR-2004. At the same time a meeting of international participating organisations to be held in Netherlands in mid-November will form the International Committee, which will perform the task of internationalising the MR-2004 process and making it a truly international resistance event.


Knowing your organisation to be active in standing up against imperialist globalisation and war and other similar and related issues, we are confident that you will agree with the basis of MR-2004 and would be willing to play a role in the ongoing process. We invite you to join as a participating organisation and participate in anti-imperialist actions and events as part of the MR-2004 process.

If you decide to join, we request you to make all efforts to send your representative/s to participate in the 9th November meeting of participating organisations, to be held in Mumbai. Participants should contact in advance at the above mentioned phone numbers/e-mail/office address of MR2004 and confirm their participation, so as to help us make the necessary arrangements. Outstation participants may arrive by 8th night or 9th morning, but should inform arrival details at least three days in advance. Representatives of initiator organisations are expected to arrive by 9th morning so as to participate in a preparatory meeting of initiators on 8th October, 2003.

Please contact us if you require any further information or materials, or have any suggestions to help making the meeting a success.

Holding High the Banner of Resistance!

for MR2004
17th October, 2003
