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Indian Farmers decide to create a global Peasant Forum outside World Social Forum-2004

8. November 2003

1. The National Coordination Committee of all the farmers` organisations from all the states which met at Doddaballapur, Karnataka on 3rd and 4th November 2003 decided not to associate itself with the World Social Forum 2004, after having felt difficult to believe neither in its found actions, nor in its principles, but decided to provide a separate space for the global peasantry, independent of the WSF-2004, by organising a Global Peasant Forum under the banner of Mumbai Resistance-2004 along with other genuine anti-imperialist forces in India and abroad.

2. Mumbai Resistance-2004 will also be organising many plenary sessions, workshops, seminars, cultural festival and finally ending with a Rally during the same dates January 17 to 20, 2004 in Mumbai and appeal to all genuine anti-imperialist forces form India and abroad, including those who will be attending WSF in Mumbai, to join and strengthen the trend of true resistance to imperialist globalisation and War.

3. In another resolution, the Indian Farmers decided to participate in the International discussion on “Ideological Plurality” in June 2004 in Brazil before deciding the question of the continnuance of their relationship with the International Farmers` Movement.

Ch.Mahendra Singh Tikait Ajmer Singh Lakhowal

Prof.M.D.Nanjundaswamy Convenors
