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Bangladesh: Garment Workers reach Agreement

15. November 2003

by National Garments Workers Federation

[At the beginning of November the garment workers of Bangladesh organised many demonstrations for better payment and festival bonus. In clashes with the police one garment worker was killed and more than 200 injured. For detailed information see the statements of the National Garments Workers Federation from Oct. 28th and Nov. 4th ]

Finaly the BKMEA (Bangladesh Knit Wear Manufacturers and Exporters Association) came to sign an agreement. Main points are:

1. Tk.100,000/ for the killed worker Kamal family (allready paid).
2. Release (free) the arrested workers (allready done).
3. Withdraw the cases against workers.
4. Working hour will be 8 hours and the rest hour will be as overtime and overtime payment will be double.
5. BKMEA will take initiatives for the festival bonus (workers will provide the list – where bonus is not implementing and BKMEA will take initiative according to these list).
* Aditional, proper treatment for injured.

Agreement is not bad – if it is implemented


Festival bonus became main issue. Almost everybody talking about this. Before 2 days there was a joint meeting in NGWF office called by the NGWF. 11 trade union organizations of garment workers were present. These organizations came to a decision that they will do some common work for the festival bonus. One is : 14 th November will be observed as garment workers festival bonus day.
More organizations are showing interest to participate common action on 14th November. Hope some more organizations will join with 11 trade unions .


Earlier we had the request to send letter to ;
2. Local Bangladesh embassy.
3.MNC,s .

Now :
pls drop the BKMEA. Only to the embassy and MNC,s.
Because: For Narayangang Killing, a lot of protest came to the BKMEA. BKMEA is proving these to the newspapers and trying to give it colour that – There is a conspiracy against bangladesh garment sector. Every day there are some news in local newspapers about this. If you send protest to the BKMEA for festival bonus , BKMEA, BKMEA and other owners associations will try to give this colour as CONSPIRACY and government will help them.

So, pls do not send protest letter to the BKMEA.

National Garments Workers Federation
