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MR-2004: Schedule, Structure and Topics of the Seminars/Workshops

19. November 2003

Finalised in the Participatory Organisation´s meeting held on 9th Nov.

Inaugural session:

Welcome: Girish Patel, Gujarat.
Inauguration: Gurusharan Singh/ Jagmohan Singh.
Opening Address: Crispen Beltron, Chair Person, ILPS.
Keynote Address: James Petras/ Michel Chossudovsky.
Anti imperialist movement and MR2004: Dr. Darshan Pal, President, and AIPRF.
Globalisation- a strategy of Imperialism: John Bellemy Foster, editor, Monthly Review, New York.
Imperialism and War: Arundathy Roy/ Rajani X Desai.

A presidium will chair the session.

Seminars / workshops

1. Theme paper
2. Struggles
3. Different aspects of the issue
4. Interactive – with organisations
5. Summing up – resolution

1. WTO- Agriculture and imperialism
Co-ordinators: KRRS, KMP, OBC organisations-Maharashtra, Kisani Prathista Manch.

2. Intensified marginalisation of tribals and imperialist globalisation
Co-ordinators: AIPRF, cordillera, BD Sharma

3. Alternatives to Imperialist System: Issues and Challenges
Co-ordinators: (structure to be worked out by seminar sub committee)

4. Imperialist globalisation and its impact on women
Co-ordinators: APCMS, Gabriella

5. Imperialist onslaught and the working class
Co-ordinators: CMM, Kamgar and KMU

6. Imperialist globalisation and its impact on dalits
Co-ordinators: Dr. Anand Teltumbde and Sambaji (Vidrohi)

7. Imperialism and state terror
Co-ordinators: LHS, CPDR

8. Zionism – Hindutva- and rising fascism in the context of imperialist globalisation (this It was in the seminar sub committee that this topic will be subdivided into Imperialism and the religious Fascism and Imperialism and the Middle East politics)
Co-ordinators: YB, AIPRF (participation from Iraq, Palestine etc.)

9. Imperialism: and the war on the planet earth
Co-ordinators: KVR

10. Imperialism and national Question
Co-ordinators: Gautam Navlaka, CMM, YB.(It was decided that this seminar should also focus on the question of imperialism and uneven development and the suggestion made by the Bangladesh friends to include a theme on ” regional expansionism – Israel and India” )

11. Imperialism and its impact on students and youth
Co-ordinators: PRSU and some SMs from Iran, Philippines, YB and MY India..

Concluding plenary: Peoples struggle against imperialism:

Philippines, Turkey, Anti, Imperialist Camp, Nepal, Iraq, Palestine, MST Brazil, FARC, Columbia, Basque, KRRS, Bharat Jan Andolan, CMM, VV and……..

linked articles:

List of MR-2004 Participant Organisations and Reception Committee

MR-2004: Schedule, Structure and Topics of the Seminars/Workshops

Why MR – 2004?

Nearly 100 Organisations to convene anti-imperialist Conference in January 2004

Indian Farmers decide to create a global Peasant Forum outside World Social Forum-2004

Join Mumbai Resistance 2004

Mumbai Resistance 2004 – Against Imperialist Globalisation and War
