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Demonstration in support of the Iraqi resistance

9. December 2003

Rome, 13 December, Order of event, speakers

2 p.m. Forum “Iraq: for the right to resist!”
Aula Magna, ITIS Galileo Galilei
Via Conteverde 51 (zona P.zza Vittorio)

5 p.m. demonstration to the US embassy
Rallying point P.zza Barberini

Following personalities are scheduled to intervene:

– Leonardo Mazzei, Promoting Committee Free Iraq
– Awni Al Kalemji, international spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
– Aldo Bernardini, lecturer for International Law, University Teramo
– Franco Cardini, lecturer for History, University Florence and Paris (Sorbonne)
– Domenico Losurdo, lecturer for Philosophy, University Urbino
– Claudio Moffa, lecturer for History for Afro-Asia, University Teramo
– Padre Benjamin
– Roberto Hamza Piccardo, Union of Islamic Communities of Italy
– Giuseppe Pel azza, Lawyers against the war, Milan
– Costanzo Preve, Philosopher, Turin
– Luigi Cortesi, chief editor of the review Giano
– Roberto Massari, publicist and publisher
– Mara Malavenda, Unionist (SLAI-Cobas) Alfa Romeo, Pomigliano D`Arco
– Moreno Pasquinelli, spokesman of the Anti-imperialist Camp

We especially thank following endorsers who have resisted the enormous pressure. Pls. note that the secretary of PRC (Party of Communist Refoundation) Fausto Bertinotti in a bid to go to governmental power by forging an electoral alliance with the centre left stated that the support of the demo for the Iraqi resistance is not compatible with the party membership:

Cultural Association “Utopia Concreta”, Brescia
Roberto Preve, Federal Political Committee of PRC, Torino
Alessandro Leoni, National Political Committee PRC, Florence
Luciano Giannoni, party leader of PRC for the province of Livorno
“Ernesto” Tuskany Carrara, political current within the PRC
Aurelio Fabiani, secretary local branch PRC, Spoleto
Quinto Antinori, secretrary PRC local branch, Fermo
Fabio Pasquinelli, secretrary PRC local branch, Osimo
Sergio Manes, publisher, Naples
Gaspare Galati, professor for Radar technologies, University of Rome (Tor Vergata)

We thank also our international supporters (selection):

Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
Iraqi Communist Party (Cadre)
Patriotic Democratic Iraqi Communist Current
Revolutionary Manifesto, Iraq
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Sons of the Country (Abna el Balad), Palestine
Democratic Voice, Morocco
All Indian People´s Resistance Forum (AIPRF)
Communist Workers´ and Peasant Party Pakistan (CMKP)
Revolutionary People´s Liberation Front-Party (DHKP-C)
Radical Left of Afghanistan (LRA)
Communist Party of Greece / Marxist-Leninist (KKE/ML)
National Democratic Front of South Korea
Migrante Europe
Serguei Novikov, member of the CC of Russian Communist Workers Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RKRP-RPK)

See full list:
