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Iraqi Patriotic Communist leader tours Italy

4. March 2004

Committee “Iraq Libero” invites Shawkat Khazindar

Shawkat Khazindar was born in 1936 in Suleimaniyya, in Iraqi Kurdistan. He joined the the Iraqi Communist Party in the early 70s. Right after the aggression of 1991 he left the party alongside other leaders protesting the party´s support of the imperialist aggression. In 1992 they formed the “Democratic Communist Movement” which forms part of the “Iraqi Patriotic Alliance” led by Jabbar al-Kubaysi and Awni al-Kalemji. Today they participate in the resistance and are engaged in the attempts to form a broad political resistance front of all forces fighting to liberate Iraq form foreign occupation.

Shawkat Khazindar is author of history of the communist movement of Iraq.

March 8 – Rome, 5pm, Villaggio Globale, Lungotevere Testaccio.

March 9 – Naples, 2,30pm, SLAI-Cobas, via Olbia 24, Pomigliano d`Arco

March 10 – Sassari, 5pm, Sala Angioy, Palazzo della provincia, P.zza Italia

March 11 – Perugia, 5pm, Sala del Consiglio Regionale, P.zza Italia.

March 12 – Milan, 9pm, CSOA COX 18, Via Conchetta 18

March 13 – Florence, 3,30pm, Circolo Arci “Casa del popolo XXV Aprile”, Via Bronzino 117

March 14 – Porto S. Giorgio (Fermo), 5pm, Sala E. Imperatori, Via Oberdan
