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Batasuna´s statement to int`l community on Madrid massacre

14. March 2004

The Basque socialist political organisation, Batasuna, wishs to share the following opinions with the nations of the world:

We express our solidarity with the victims, their families and the workers of Madrid, and share their pain after the terrible bombings yesterday.

These indiscriminate attacks against civilians and workers who were on their way to their places of work are absolutely repulsive to the Basque leftwing and we roundly and clearly express our reprobation.

We denounce the electoral and political interest of the Spanish Government in trying to involve the legitimate freedom struggle of the Basque people with the events in Madrid, while everyone is more and more convinced that these attacks were the work of certain Islamic groups.

We would like to express anew our opinion that all conflicts of a political nature, such as the one Euskal Herria* is confronted with by the French and Spanish states, should be resolved by dialogue between the parties concerned, respecting all human rights recognised by the international community, including the free right to the selfdeterminaion of all peoples.

We reaffirm the engagement of the Basque party of Batasuna to work for peace in the world, with justice, freedom and solidarity among all peoples.

Euskal Herria, March 12, 2004.

* Basque Country
