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International solidarity messages to free the arrested anti-imperialists

5. April 2004

Updated List of May 13

International solidarity messages to free the arrested anti-imperialists
Updated List of April 13


Askapena (Basque County)
Arab Cause Solidarity Committee (Spain)
Workers Revolutionary Party (EEK, Greece)
Communist Party of Greece /ML (KKE/ML)
Workers´ Communist Party of Denmark (APK)
Freedom Socialist Party (USA)
United Peoples (USA)
Workers´ Action (USA)
Socialist Choice (Ukraine)
Poetas Antiimperialista de America (Canada)
Socialist Thought Forum, Jordan
Anti-Repression Campaign, Brittany
Communist Youth of Poland
Voie Dà©mocratique, Morocco
International League of People´s Struggle – Turkey section
In Defence of Marxism (Spain)
Popular Democratic Left (IDP, Mexico)
Construction Committee of the Revolutionary Worker´s Party (Argentine)
Communist Organization for the Fourth International (COFI)
Abnaa elBalad (Palestine)
Greek Trotskyists KDE
Left Front – Communist Youth Alliance (Hungary)
Workers Communist Party (Norway)
Bayan International (Europe)
League for the 5th International
Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network (USA)
Taller de Arte e Ideologà­a, Mexico
Refundacià³n Comunista (Puerto Rico)
Committee Against the U$ Empire (USA)
Initiativ e.V., Duisburg, Germany
Bangladesh National Liberation Council
NAR (New Left Current) Greece
Federation of University Students of Venezuela (FEUV)
Struggle Initiative (Greece)
Campaign For a New World, Northeast India
Coordinadora Simà³n Bolà­var del Barrio 23 de Enero, Venezuela
International Action Center (USA)
Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist), France
Revolutionary Communist League Thurigia (RKL-T), Germany
Aktionskreis 24.3., Jena, Germany
Colectivo Libertad, Mexico
All Indian People´s Resistance Forum (AIPRF)
Anti-Globalist Resistance (Russia)
International Forum/The Middle East Group, Denmark
Scottish Republican Socialist Movement (SRSM)
Anti US & Israeli Globalisation & Hegemony Movement, Lebanon
Bloque del Poder Popular, Michoacán, Mexico
Communist Workers Peasants Party, Pakistan (CMKP)
Association of the Family members of the Political Prisoners, the Disappeared and the Victims of Genocide (AFADEVIG), Peru
Irish Republican Socialist Party
All Manipur United Clubs Organisation, North East India
Rød Valgallianse (Red People´s Alliance), Norway
Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
Popular Committee for Support to the Palestinian People and for the Struggle against Normalisation with the Zionist Enemy, Tunisia
Continuity Group of the World Social Forum
Consurta Comunistal, Sardinia
Sardigna Natzione Indipendentzia, Sardinia
Comunardi, Sardinia
A Manca pro s`Indipendentzia, Sardinia
International League of Peoples` Struggle (ILPS) – Philippines Chapter
International League of Peoples` Struggle (ILPS)
Revolutionary Communist Group (Britain)
Directing Council of teachers in private education (Greece)
Association of Bank employees (Greece)
Association of the employees of Lido-Cart in Attica (Greece)
Association of employed Technicians (Greece)
Directing Council of Physic students of Athens (Greece)
Directing Council of the secondary school teachers (Greece)
Directing Council of the Worker´s Centre of Canea (Greece)
Directing Council of the Polytechnical students of Crete (Greece)
Directing Council of the judiciary employees of Cenea (Greece)
Directing Council of the Union of Bricklayers in Cenea (Greece)
Directing Council of the teachers of elementary school and kindergardens in Cenea (Greece)
Directing Council of the doctors of public hospitals in Canea (Greece)
Council of the lawyers of Canea (Greece)
Communist Renovation (Greece)
Revolutionary Coomunist Party of Greece
Front of the Redical left (MERA), Greece
Greek Communist Organisation
Commission against the bases and dependence (Greece)
Memebers of the Greek Forum of the Anti-capitalist League in Canea (Greece)


Shayhka Maulani Aeisha Muhammad (USA)
Said Elnashaie, Arab world
Harsh Thakor, Bombay, India
Dr. Hisham Bustani, Amman, Jordan
Claude le Duigou, spokesman Coordination Anti-Rà©pressive de Bretagne
Abdallah Elharif, National Secretary of Voie Dà©mocratique, Morocco
John Paul Cupp, USA
Andrew Kahn, New York City, USA
Iman Badawi, Arab world
Ana Marà­a Vera Smith, former political prisoner, Mexico
Muheep Akram, Arab world
Daniel Stragá, Argentine
Alberto Hà­jar Serrano, Mexico
Mario Maestri, historian, Brasil
Luz Perly Cordoba Mosquera, imprisoned peasant leader from Colombia
Ana Cecilia Lazcano, Colectivo Libertad, Mexico
Reaquel Gutierrez, Colectivo Libertad, Mexico
Oralba Castillo Najera, Colectivo Libertad, Mexico
Juan Contreras, Coordinadora Simà³n Bolà­var, Venezuela
Marà­a Guadalupe Rodrà­guez, Coordinadora Simà³n Bolà­var, Venezuela
Daniel Borges, Coordinadora Simà³n Bolà­var, Venezuela
Luis Flores, Coordinadora Simà³n Bolà­var, Venezuela
Charlotte Malterre, Marseille, France
Evgeny Kozlov, co-chairman of the St. Petersburg (Leningrad United Actions Committee in defence of workers` rights
Tamara Vedernikova, co-chairwoman of the St. Petersburg (Leningrad) United Actions Committee in defence of workers` rights
Igor Gotlib, co-ordinator of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the “Alternatives” movement
Grigory Popov, chairman of the board of the St. Petersburg Federation of Socialist Youth
Mikhail Druzhininsky, chairman of the St. Petersburg Free Trade Union of tram workers
Anatoly Pyzhov, secretary for foreign relations of the executive committee of the “Defence of Labour” Inter-professional Association of Workers` Unions of Russia
Inars Pavelka, chief editor of the “Proletarskaya gazeta” newsletter
Bustianu Cumpostu – SNI, Sardinia
Marjorie Broadbent, retired Life Member of Australian Education Union

Important solidarity declarations from within Italy

Political Committee of federation of the Party of Communist Re-foundation (PRC) of Parma
Group of regional councillors and secretary of PRC of Sardinia
Slai Cobas – Provincial Co-ordination of Naples
Confederation Cobas
Marco Ferrando (Member of the national leadership of PRC) on behalf of the Association Communist Project – the left of PRC
Sardinia Natzione Indipendentzia (Sardinia)
Consurta Comunista Sarda (Sardinia)
Comunardi (Sardinia)


Workers Revolutionary Party of Greece

The Workers Revolutionary Party of Greece (EEK) condemns and denounces before the workers and popular movement in Greece and all over the world the internationally organized and coordinated witch-hunt launched by the EU imperialists and their governments together with the Turkish repressive State apparatus against a number of Turkish revolutionaries arrested in Greece, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Turkey as well as against three well known internationally leading Italian comrades of the Anti-imperialist camp.

We reject with contempt the outrageous lie of the European police that these comrades are “terrorists”; their record is public and well known to everybody, including political organizations of the Left, which despite all the political disagreements, know very well that the only “crime” of these comrades and of their organizations is their fight against imperialism, against the Occupation in Iraq and Palestine, against the barbaric repression and the death cells of the Turkish prison system.

We call for the immediate release of all the arrested fighters from the Greek, Italian, Turkish, German, Dutch and Belgian prisons.

We call to all workers and popular organizations to express their solidarity to the victims of imperialism and bourgeois repression

The P.C of EEK-Greece


Workers´ Communist Party of Denmark (APK)

Free the arrested anti-imperialists and revolutionaries!

The Workers´ Communist Party of Denmark (APK) condemns
the arrest and persecution of anti-imperialists and revolutionaries carried out under the pretext of combating terrorism.

Following the decision by the European Union to intensify the so-called struggle against terrorism this wave of arrests reveals that the European imperialists target their political opponents, who exercise their democratic right of protest.

This action is not directed against terrorism, but against the resistance to imperialist domination, against the just struggle of the peoples against imperialist war and occupation.

It reveals the reactionary and repressive character of the European Union, planning to become a new imperialist superpower.

We demand the immediate release of the arrested anti-imperialists from Campo Antimperialista and the Turkish revolutionaries!

Workers´ Communist Party of Denmark
April 1st 2004


Workers´ Action (US)

We wish to express our solidarity with your arrested comrades. We have sent out your message internationally in hopes of soliciting solidarity actions across the globe.

The repression of the Italian government, in accordance to article 270b, is an inevitable response of a bankrupt system that faces a growing international movement against its attacks on the working class and self determination. In the US, the police state measures of the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Department hang over the heads of all voices of resistance. The capitalists have not yet implemented these Draconian acts on a mass scale, in part, out of fear of a reaction that could potentially send the ruling elite falling from their perch.

We stand squarely in defense of your comrades and the Turkish revolutionaries. Imperialism can only bring barbarism in its decay. In fighting this we call for international solidarity against all repression and strive to build this on the power of the working class.

Free Moreno Pasquinelli, Maria Frazia Ardizzone, and Alessia Monteverdi!

Free the Turkish revolutionaries!


Shayhka Maulani Aeisha Muhammad (USA)

Our prayers go out for our comrades who have been arrested by the criminal Italian government. I condemn the Italian government for having followed the steps of the Zionist criminals in Washington and Tel Aviv. The racist and imperialist bootlicking Italian government will no doubt be shaken violently for its actions against the anti-imperialist Zionist movement.

This travesty, however, will serve to strengthen the anti-imperialist movement and to increase our determination to break free from the yoke of the imperialists. We will not be deterred by persecution, arrest or even the murder of our comrades.

All of our anti-imperialist organizations must take definitive steps to work together and support each other at every level. I encourage everyone to step up to the plate and join forces so that we can deal a greater blow to the imperialist-Zionist enemy.

Very truly yours,
Shayhka Maulani Aeisha Muhammad
servant of ALLAH


Socialist Choice (Ukraine)

Socialist Choice is indignant and shocked knowing about the arrests by order of the prosecutor´s office of Perugia of our comrades from Anti-Imperialist Camp Moreno Pasquinelli, Maria Grazia Ardizzone and Alessia Monteverdi as well as Turkish activists. We consider that these arrests were the feedback from the side of reactionary Italian state on the struggle conducted by arrested comrades support the resistance and liberation struggle of the Iraqi people against the imperialist occupation led by the US and its allies, including Italy and Ukraine. We demand immediate liberation of all those who were arrested. We call all progressive parties and organizations worldwide to unite our forces for the liberation of our comrades, fighting against imperialism for socialist perspective.

Free Moreno Pasquinelli, Maria Grazia Ardizzone and Alessia Monteverdi!
Free the Turkish revolutionaries!
Stop the occupation of Iraq!
For world socialist revolution!

Anton Petrenko,
On the name of Socialist Choice (Ukraine)


Said Elnashaie:

This is a clear sign of the weakness of the Imperialists camp, it is not terrorism they are afraid of, it is what happened in the Spanish and French elections they are really afraid of, People are becoming more aware of who is the real enemy and this frightens the imperialists very much, a demonstration of one million means the support of over 20-25 millions, this really frightening for the oppressors, so what to do start to arrest the leaders in a trial to destroy the movement. The ones who followed Bush to Iraq knows very well that they have dogged their own grave, the Iraqi resistance is increasing continuously, the Iraqi People show everyday how much the are “welcoming!!!” the US invasion, and the US is showing the true ugly face of its so called ” democracy”. Every one should understand what the great artist said more than half a century ago( 1940) at the end of his excellent movie Great Dictator: “The world has enough wealth for all People to live happily and Peacefully , not to kill each other for a few greedy wealthy People to get more wealthy” and what the great actor Peter Ustinov : “Terrorism is the war of the poor and war is the terrorism of the rich”. Your anti-imperialist camp will certainly win, the Italian People have a great history of fighting against Imperialists and Fascists, the arrest of your comrades will make the people more aware of the regime lead by thieves, crooks and murders. Continue and intensify your demonstration to bring down this government and bring to power a more humanistic government, like what happened in Spain`s election.

Good Luck and Best Wishes,
Said Elnashaie


Freedom Socialist Party (USA)

The arrest of people in Perugia, Italy was covered this morning, very briefly, on the TV news in the U.S. Of course, they were not identified as members and supporters of the Anti-Imperialist Campaign but as “Turkish terrorists.” We were horrified to come to work this morning and find your email message recounting the round-up of radical leaders in Perugia and possibly Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Greece and Turkey.

After the Italian police and government attacks on anti-globalization activists, the whole world knows what you are up against–a regime that will resort to physical violence and complete illegality to assert its power and authority. We stand with you and your imprisoned comrades against the unfolding European police state just as we ourselves oppose the police state attacks unleashed against immigrants and radicals in the U.S.

The Anti-imperialist Campaign has taken the same position that the Freedom Socialist Party has had from the first day of the war: we support the victory of the Iraqi people over the forces of imperialism. We too call for the end of the U.S. occupation and for full democratic rights, especially for women, in Iraq. And we support the strikes and struggles of Iraqi workers. This is not terrorism, but advocacy of the ideals of the right of nations to self-determination, workers rights and women`s liberation.

Until the recent emergence of the openly expansionist doctrine of the neoconservatives in the Bush regime, these were ideals supported (at least in words) by the majority of Western democracies. Now, however, the world is beginning to see what a sham bourgeois democracy is. When the rights of the privileged class to complete dictatorship over workers` lives and oppressed nations is challenged, the rulers lash out against those they consider most vulnerable. That is why socialists and radicals all over the world must stand with the Anti-Imperialist Campaign. We will stand together or hang alone.

In solidarity,
Guerry Hoddersen
International Secretary, U.S. Section


Harsh Thakor, Bombay, India

I condemn the arrest of the 3 anti Imperialist Camp leaders. It is a gross violation of democratic Rights and exposes the hypocrisy of the Parliamentary democratic System that claims to champion human rights but in actual fact tramples upon them. The Connivance of the Italian govt. with the Imperialist monsters has been exposed to the World people. How can a democracy support U.S action in Iraq?

Let us all condemn this act .It is a fascist attack. I stand in solidarity with the arrested leaders and demand their unconditional release. Please state and accept my support in the democratic camp.

Harsh Thakor


We stand in full solidarity with the arrested comrades, and we salute in them the militant spirit and their continuous efforts in combating Imperialism and its aggressions all over the world, and especially in our region (the Arab Homeland) where a US-led occupation in Iraq and a Zionist occupation in Palestine signal the ever-increasing crisis which Imperialism finds itself in while crashing people and planet to achieve its profit-driven aims of converting the world and history into a huge sweatshop.

The utmost sign of crisis is the transformation of Imperialism into an unmasked phase, where even the UN is trashed into the bin, the International Law is no longer “flexible enough” and resistance is nothing but “terrorism”.

But NO, fascists will not have the final say, people ALWAYS will have their way, that`s what history teaches us, and like the fascists of Spain fell, the fascists who hide behind fake masks of democracy and freedom (of the market of course!) will fall everywhere else.

In solidarity with the arrested comrades, and the resistance!

Dr. Hisham Bustani
for the Executive Committee of the Socialist Thought Forum, Jordan


Communist Party of Greece / Marxist-Leninist

The CPG(m-l) condemns the recent arrest of Italian and Turkish anti-imperialist militants in Italy and other European countries. Four political refugees from Turkey were arrested also in Greece while in Turkey the fascist police raided hundreds of houses and offices.

This is another indication about the myth of a democratic and just European Union. Few days after the decision of European ministers of Internal Affairs for co-operation against “terrorism”, we witness the implementation of this decision with a pan-European pogrom against supporters of Iraqi resistance and militants who fight for basic democratic rights in Turkey.

We express our solidarity to arrested anti-imperialist militants and demand their immediate release.

Imperialism is the real terrorist
Freedom and asylum to all Turkish political refugees.
Freedom to Italian anti-imperialists

Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)


Communist Youth of Poland

Our organisation CYP fully stands on the same revolutionary and anti-imperialist position as you do. We hope that these 3 activists will be liberate as soon as it is only possible. Unfortunately, American capitalism is the most expansive imperialism in the whole world and it is very hard to stop and fight it. But anyway- we all have to say: NO TO IMPERIALISM! If our world revolutionary voice is heard in every country, in every city, we have a chance to stop liberalism and imperialist war!

With a democratic greetings


International League of People´s Struggle – Turkey section

2 April 2004

The preparations for the NATO summit have started; operations, executions without jurisdiction and arrestment, what´s next!

As we can see in a time where the Imperialists attack the people in the world and occupy Iraq etc, they also continue their “war against terrorism” all over the place.
Since February TAYAD (the association for the families of political prisoners) had started a campaign ” In prison 110 people died, did you hear it?” since they have started they have been attacked by the state, taken under custody or been sentenced to prison, about 400 persons were taken under custody.

The state tried to prevent that the public in Turkey learns about the reality in prison. That these attacks have started now is not a coincidence it is connected with the preparations for the NATO summit which will be held in Turkey Istanbul between the 28-29 June this summer.

And now once again the EU has showed their understanding of democracy. On the 1 April in the early morning hours Holland, Italy, Belgium, Greek, Germany and Turkey started an operation against the DHKP/C (Revolutionary People´s Liberation /Front) and arrested about 50 people. They arrested many people and took them under custody. The press said that one of the people arrested in Europe is the responsible one for DHKP/C- Europe Avni Er.

Besides that in Italy two of the persons being arrested are being from Turkish background 3 are Italian. The persecutor which gave the permission for the operation in Italy Nicolo Marino
…‘ all that I can say is that these people are in a direct relationship to the M-L organisation DHKP/C in Turkey. We know that they are supporters and members´.

The minister of Foreign affairs also stated that the three Italians that have been arrested Moreno Pasquinelli, Alessia Monteverdi and Maria Grazia Ardizzone are being member of the organisation Campo Antimperialista (anti Imperialist camp).

In Turkey state security forces busted Ídil culture centre, association for basic rights and liberties, voice of Anatolia radio, People´s voice magazine, Lawyers office People´s law, Group Yorum and the weekly magazine Ekmek ve Adalet (Bread and constitution) and many people have been arrested. There is still an arrestment warrant against 23 persons.

The government stated that this was the “first” step towards the preparations for the NATO summit and in the “War against terrorism”.
We as the ILPS Turkey section call upon the progressive, democratic, anti-Imperialist public to take stand against this attack. They say that the have …‘cached´ some members, but this so called members are being in the democratic mass struggle so what does catch mean? The police claims that these persons have been illegal, but the real terrorists are those that have made this operation, illegal is that the five states have been working since 6-8 month to make this operation.

We as the ILPS Turkey section demand an immediate release of the people under custody. As long as they are in the hands of the Turkish state their live cannot be secure.

Still even if all this attacks are being done, it will not stop the struggle for democracy and social liberation and will not stop the growing of the struggle against Imperialism and reaction at any time.

We are aware that the ruling classes have a nightmare and this is not to be able to have the NATO summit in Turkey, and this nightmare will become true they will not stop the struggle against Imperialism and all kinds of reaction.

Victory against Imperialism belongs to the people!
Unite and resist against Imperialist attacks!
Long lives International Solidarity!


In Defence of Marxism (Spain)

We condemn the repression in course against Turkish revolutionary militants and the arrestation of anti-imperialist militants in Italy these days and many others in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Greece because of their solidarity with revolutionary cause in Turkey. We call other organizations and militants in Spanish State to join this action.
EDM expresses our unconditional solidarity against repression and claim for inmediate freedom to Moreno Pasquinelli, Maria Grazia Ardizzone, Alessia Monteverdi and every other revolutionary arrested in Europe fighting against reactionary Turkish State and the occupations of Iraq and Palestine. Free of them now!

Coordination Committee of


Andrew Kahn, New York City, Founder of online Proletariat Group

With revolutionary greetings, as founder of the online Proletariat Group, I salute Comrade Moreno Pasquinelli, Comrade Maria Grazia Ardizzone, and Comrade Alessia Monteverdi.

The arrest of these comrades is a clear indication of the strength of the Anti Imperialist Camp and its members, as well as its guiding principles. The fascist Berlusconi government, an example of capitalist/imperialist government, recognizes that the dedication of these three comrades is exposing the terrorism being waged by the foreign occupiers of Iraq.

However, this exposing of the truth is not the sole cause of the arrests of our three comrades. While many may critcize the occupation, few will unconditionally support the Iraqi Resistance and collect funds to support the Resistance. However, this is exactly what the Anti Imperialist Camp, and its members, are doing. And this is why the Berlusconi government, as a representation of capitalist governance, is engaging in this repression.

The arrested comrades will not back down. They will not give up. They shine as true examples of what a revolutionary must be. A revolutionary must not be afraid to be arrested, persecuted, or, as in the case of recently martyred Intifada hero Sheikh Ahmad Yasin, carry on the struggle even if one`s life is lost because of it.

In revolutionary kinship, I once more salute our comrades who have been imprisoned!

Free Moreno!
Free Maria!
Free Alessia!
Free All Political Prisoners!


The Communist Organization for the Fourth International condemns the arrests of Turkish revolutionaries and members of the Anti-Imperialist Camp in Perugia by the Italian police on April 1. We likewise condemn the reported simultaneous arrests by the Turkish police of suspected members of the Revolutionary People`s Liberation Party-Front, DHKP-C and of other alleged supporters in Greece, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.

The comrades arrested are not “terrorists” as charged by the police, but fighters against the imperialist occupation of Iraq and the murderously repressive Turkish government and military. It is these governments in fact that support state terrorism, by both the Turkish regime in suppressing its Kurdish and working-class opponents, and by the U.S.-led imperialist occupation forces in Iraq.

Despite our political differences with the arrested revolutionaries and fighters against imperialism, we stand with them in demanding the end of the occupations of Iraq and Palestine and the torturous barbarism of the Turkish regime.

We call for the immediate release of the political prisoners Moreno Pasquinelli (international spokesman of the Anti-imperialist Camp), Maria Grazia Ardizzone (member of the Political Committee of the Anti-imperialist Camp) and Alessia Monteverdi, and the Turkish revolutionaries.

In Solidarity,

Sy Landy
for Communist Organization for the Fourth International (COFI)


Abnaa elBalad

In the name of Abnaa elBalad movement, I want to send you our comradely solidarity in the face of the latest arrests of the Anti Imperialist leaders and activists. As a people and as a movement we are used to being persecuted by the racist and war-mongering regime. In the last years we came to know the Anti Imperialist camp, and to enjoy your solidarity with our plight. Now, as the imperialists are running out of ideas and as they are relying more and more on war, occupation and brute force to keep their world disorder of robbery and exploitation, they try to criminalize any resistance to their campaign of terror. We are confident that the oppressed people of the world will never accept to be subject to imperialist rule. We are confident that those people that struggle for a just and humane world order will never be silenced by arrests and persecution.

Please accept our warmest solidarity in these hard times,
Yoav Bar


Greek Trotskyists KDE

Where do the real terrorists aim,

For the silence of the left for the sake of the monopolies and their new world order of imperialist interventions.

Whoever in Europe supports the Iraqi resistance is condemned on the basis of fabricated evidence as being a terrorist.

Hands off Italian and Turkish political activists

The real terrorists are in Washington

Victory to the Iraqi resistance!


Danish Committee Free Iraq

Supporting legitimate resistance against an illegal occupation is not terrorism! Free them now!

Statement of solidarity of the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq, April 4, 2004

With great anger we have received the information that three militants of the Anti-Imperialist Camp have been arrested by order of the prosecutor´s office of Perugia on April 1: Moreno Pasquinelli [international spokesman of the Anti-Imperialist Camp], Maria Grazia Ardizzone [member of the Political Committee of the Anti-Imperialist Camp] and Alessia Monteverdi. Simultaneously, at least one Turkish revolutionary was arrested in the same operation. Other arrests have been reported from Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Greece and Turkey.

The arrests, which are part of the coordinated and intensified EU state repression, are aimed at threatening and silencing the consistent opposition to imperialism, its wars, occupations and hegemony. All the arrested are anti-imperialists and revolutionaries fighting for another world without imperialism, war and repression. In Italy, the activists from the Anti-Imperialist Camp are all renowned for their solidarity with the Iraqi people and its legitimate resistance against the illegal occupation of their country in which Berlusconi´s Italy is actively participating.

We must not be scared by the terror being carried out by EU state, which, following September 11, has adopted the fascist-like “terror laws” that are now being used for imprisoning political opponents of the policy of the EU and the US. We must insist on our democratic right of freedom of speech, and we declare that the ones who arrest people because of their thoughts and ideas are themselves the biggest obstacles for a free, democratic and secure world. We must strengthen our cooperation with all people who believe in the fundamental civil rights.

We demand the immediate and unconditional release of all the arrested anti-imperialists and revolutionaries.

Supporting legitimate resistance against an illegal occupation is not terrorism! Free them now!

The Danish Committee for a Free Iraq


Rania Theodossopoulou, Greece

This is a message from a Greek comrade and Moreno´s friend also, Rania. I, too, together with many other comrades from Greece declare my support to Alessia, Maria Grazia and Moreno and send struggle greetings. We are all standing by to support any way we can.


Workers Communist Party, Norway

The Workers Communist Party, Norway, protests the detention of several members of the Antiimperialist Camp in Italy, among them the spokesman Moreno Pasquinelli, as well as of members of the DHKP-C in several European countries and Turkey.

The crime of the Antiimperialist Camp has been to propagate the support of the liberation of Iraq from the US and their coalition, and thus the legitimacy of the Iraqi people to fight against the occupants in their country even with arms.
The Italian authorities earlier tried to obstruct this activities by closing the webpage propagating support of the Iraqi liberation struggle. Now they go further detaining members of the Antiimperialist Camp under the pretext of anti-terrorism. This accusations are totally unfounded and pre-fabricated, according to the lawyers of the detainees. The mere attempts to criminalize and stigmatise the militants of the Anti-Imperialist camp as terrorists are in order to try to politically isolate and paralyse them.

This acts will have the opposite effect and strenghten the European population is increasingly opposing the American-led war and occupation of Iraq, as well as stigmatizing the European governments supporting this, in real, terrorist war.

The attacks upon the DHKP-C must be regarded as a service to the military regime in Ankara, as the members of that party always has limited its actions in Europe to purely political activities, despite countless trials to brand them as taking part in terrorist actions.

The Workers Communist Party (AKP), Norway, thus urges the authorities in Italy and the other countries taking part in the oppressive actions April 1th to release the detainees and stop branding legitimate political activities as terrorism.

Oslo, April 4th 2004
Arnljot Ask
international secr. of AKP


League for the 5th International


The League for the 5th International (L5I) condemns the arrest and persecution of supporters of the Turkish left-wing group Revolutionary People´s Liberation Front DHKC and the Italian Anti-Imperialist Camp (AIC) on the morning of 1 April.

They have been arrested under the pretext of combating terrorism. In fact, the DHKC has a long history of fighting against the military-dominated regime in Turkey and the AIC has recently been involved in a solidarity campaign with the Iraqi resistance against the imperialist occupation.

These arrests show the true character of the recent decision by the European Union to intensify the so-called struggle against terrorism. It shows that the ruling classes of the EU are targeting political opponents who exercise their democratic right of protest.

The L5I condemns reactionary terrorist acts like the bombing in Madrid on 11 March. But we defend resolutely the right of oppressed people to fight against occupation such as in Iraq or Palestine and we therefore defend those who act in solidarity with these resistance struggles against persecution.

Independently of the different political positions we have, we are in unambiguous solidarity with the persecuted activists of the DHKC and AIC and we demand their immediate release.

League for the 5th International, 2 April


Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network (USA)

At this time, the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network declares its solidarity with the campaign for the liberation of the Pro-Iraqi Resistance Forces from the DHKC-P of Turkey and the International Anti-Imperialist Camp. We hear with great enthusiasm of the large scale Pro-Resistance Demos in Italy on March 20th, and know that without a doubt that the Italian Pro-US bootlickers responsible for the crime of arresting and menacing our heroic comrades do so, for they know our comrades to be true to the people, fully exposing the crime of acting as a US/Zionist Proxy force in the occupation of Iraq. We have long been on close terms with the Pro-Resistance Forces of Turkey and of the Anti-Imperialist Camp, and support all calls issued for the release of our Glorious Comrades-in-Struggle!

Victory to Iraq!
Death to US Imperialism and its GI mercenary goons!
Long live Palestine, FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA!
Death to the Zionist Entity!
Demand freedom and solidarity with pro-resistance on all points of the globe!


Committee Against the U$ Empire (USA)

The Committee Against the U$ Empire (the CAU$E) sends this message of solidarity and call to free those anti-imperialists arrested in Turkey and a number of European cities last week!

All peoples have the right to national self-determination and resist economic, racial, or gender oppression! This resistance does not equal terrorism! Imperialist economics and its military arm are the greatest of the world`s terrors!

St. Louis, MO (U$A)

“Today`s American is at the mercy of his anxieties. The United States has grown so wealthy that she has lost touch with the rest of the world…She no longer knows what is happening on this earth…Millions of Americans have risen from the proletariat to the middle class with insufficient intellectual means.” – James Hepburn (pseudonym), Farewell America: The Plot to Kill JFK (Frontiers Books: Voduz, Liechtenstein, 1968; Roseville, CA:
Penmarin Books, 2002), p. 26-7

Socialist Future Group, Britain

The Socialist Future Group of Britain condemns the detention by the Italian state of the leaders of the Anti-Imperialist Camp and a Turkish militant. These arrests are part and parcel of the transition to authoritarian rule that is taking place in country after country. Under the cover of the “war on terror”, Berlusconi, Bush and Blair are taking away democratic rights, holding people without trial or charge and criminalising the entire Muslim community. In reality, the “war on terror” is being waged on behalf of the global corporations that now dominate social and political life in country after country. The arrests in Italy show the weakness and fear of a corrupt and degenerate capitalist state that commands no support from the Italian people. Millions have marched against the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq in Italy and throughout the world. This mass movement against imperialist war and terror is what Berlusconi and his friend Blair fear. Let us mobilise this movement to transform the capitalist state into a socialist, democratic state that will immediately end all acts of aggression against other countries. We demand that the Italian state and the prosecutor`s office in Perugia immediately sets free those arrested on April 1, namely Moreno Pasquinelli (international spokesman of the Anti-imperialist Camp), Maria Grazia Ardizzone (member of the Political Committee of the Anti-imperialist Camp) and Alessia Monteverdi and the Turkish militant.

April 6, 2004


Initiativ e.V., Duisburg, Germany

Resistance is not terrorism!

Free the Turkish and Italian Antiimperialists!

Initiativ e.V. condemns and denounces the internationally organized police-operation against leading comrades of Italian Antiimperialist Camp and Turkish Revolutionaries organized and accomplished by the governments of Italy, Turkey, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and Greece. We denounce the arrests of Moreno Pasquinelli, Maria-Grazia Ardizzone, Alessia Monteverdi and the Turkish comrades and send our warmest solidarity greetings to them.

This is an attack against our basic human rights: the right of self-determination, the freedom of expression and the freedom of speech. The reason for this attack is the consequent position of the Anti-imperialist Camp supporting the Iraqi people struggling against the occupation. It is a basic and democratic right of people to fight against an occupation. The only thing Iraqi people do is making use of this right.

The Turkish comrades are organizing a conference against the NATO-summit, which will be held in Istanbul in June 2004. It seems to be that the attack is an attempt to nip the legitimate protests against the New World Order under the leadership of USA in the bud, to stop the movement against imperialist wars and occupations and to criminalize the protests already before the NATO-summit. We denounce the repression against and the imprisonment of democratic and revolutionary people by the regime in Ankara, which is still under military control.

We call all democratic and revolutionary people all over the world to raise up their voices, to protest against the attacks and to stand beside the Italian and Turkish comrades!

Free Alessia, MariaGrazia and Moreno!
Free the Turkish Revolutionaries!
Freedom for all political prisoners!
Down with Anti-Terror-Laws!
Long live Iraqi resistance!
Long live international solidarity!


Bangladesh National Liberation Council

Statement condemning arrests of Anti-imperialist Camp activists

“We strongly condemn and denounce the arrests of Moreno Pasquinelli, Maria Grazia Ardizzone and Alessia Monteverdi of the Anti-imperialist Camp and demand their immediate unconditional release.”

Badruddin Umar
Bangladesh National Liberation Council



The New Left Current condemns and denounces the internationally organized and coordinated attack made by the EU imperialists and their governments together with the Turkish State against a number of Turkish revolutionaries arrested in Greece, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Turkey as well as against three Italian comrades of the Anti-imperialist camp.

These actions reveal the myth of their “democratic European Union”; the “democracy” that we witness being implemented few days after the decision of European ministers of Internal Affairs for co-operation against “terrorism”.

We send our solidarity to the three Italian comrades that were characterized “terrorists” for their support to Iraqi and Palestinian resistance and militants who fight for basic democratic rights in Turkey.

We demand the immediate release of all the arrested fighters from the Greek, Italian, Turkish, German, Dutch and Belgian prisons.

We call all workers to fight against the repressive and reactionary block of E.U. – USA – governments and capital, against the “terror laws”(laws against terrorism), for the defense and the enlargement of civil and labor rights of our times.

For the labor democracy and the communist liberation

NAR (New Left Current)- Greece


Struggle Initiative – Greece

Those who fight against oppression and imperialism are not terrorists!

The arrests of our three Italian comrades from Campo Antimperialista, along with the arrests of people from Turkish movement for civil and social rights, reveal the reactionary and repressive character of the European Union and make us realise how the war against “terrorism” takes place daily in our countries.

This attack in such a coordinated operation throughout European countries against people who fight for their rights and people who support this fight makes obvious that our struggle against capital and imperialism must strengthen.

We demand the immediate release of the arrested comrades from Campo Antimperialista and the Turkish fighters!

Freedom to Iraq and Palestine.

Freedom to all Turkish political prisoners. Abolishment of the white cells.


Campaign For a New World, Northeast India

Comrades We on behalf of the struggling people of Northeast (India) strongly condemn the barbaric attack and arrest of the revolutionaries fighting against imperialism and its agents worldwide. We also strongly deplore the continued offensive on the Turkish militants and call on the international community to stand up to the cause. Here too, we at our minimum level are trying to take up the campaign to the people and demands immediate halt of all brutalities on the revolutionaries and call on the state forces whereever it is for unconditional release of the arrested revolutionaries.

In Solidarity with the cause
Campaign For a New World


International Action Center (USA)

The International Action Center of the United States protests the arrests in Turkey, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Greece and Belgium on April 1 and 2 of some 63 political activists, 40 of them in Turkey, under the phony cover of “anti-terrorism.”

The announced targets of this new wave of post-Madrid state repression are accused members of or sympathizers with the Turkish revolutionary organization, the Revolutionary People`s Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C).

This working-class revolutionary group is known for its resolute struggle against the Turkish military regime and in the past few years especially for its struggle within Turkish prisons. The DHKP-C has been forced to operate illegally in Turkey, and for the last two years has been banned by the EU.

Turkey is a NATO member. Despite its parliamentary government, real power still lies with the Turkish army, which in turn is dependent on its close ties to U.S. and German imperialism. The Turkish state and fascist-like death squads linked to the state have kept a steady attack on workers` organizations during this entire period, including the DHKP-C. The army has also committed mass murder against the Kurdish population.

The DHKP-C`s members are known for their courage and self-sacrifice in a hunger strike aimed at preventing a change in the Turkish prison system that will isolate individual political prisoners, as is done in maximum-security prisons in the United States.

Although they have no evidence or even real suspicion of violent DHKP-C activity in Europe, it is apparent that the EU police apparatus has misused the fear created by attacks in Istanbul and Madrid to try to break a revolutionary workers` organization.

The IAC also protests the arrests of three Italian members of the Anti-Imperialist Camp (CAI) in Perugia, Italy. The Italian capitalist media has kept up a constant attack against the CAI over the past months because that group has taken a explicit public position supporting the Iraqi armed resistance to the U.S.-led occupation of that country.

Italy´s big-business media has been trying to discredit the idea of solidarity with the resistance — and even of supporting immediate withdrawal of Italian and U.S. forces from Iraq — by equating these positions with “terrorism.” The media campaign and the arrests are attempts to intimidate the massive anti-war movement in Italy, whose ranks are moving toward a clear anti-imperialist position.

Free the Turkish and Italian political activists!

Stop the wave of repression in Europe!

International Action Center, USA
(John Catalinotto)


All Indian People´s Resistance Forum (AIPRF)

AIPRF, India, very strongly condemns the repression being let loose by the Italian govt. We also condemn the arrest of three leaders including Moreno Pasquinelli of Anti-imperialist Camp. We also condemn the arrest of the activists / leaders of DHKP-C. We the leaders and members of AIPRF along with struggling masses of India extend our revolutionary solidarity with your struggling organisations & people.

Darshan Pal
AIPRF, All India President


Anti-Globalist Resistance (Russia)

The Anti-Globalist Resistance (Russia) expresses its indignation on the occasion of the arrest of the activists of the “Anti-imperialist Camp”. The struggle against imperialism cannot be regarded as terrorism. We insist on the liberation of the comrades (see the resolution of the coordinative session of the Anti-Globalist Resistance). The organisations that form part of the Anti-Globalist resistance are intending to organize a meeting of protest near the USA Embassy on the April 18.


International Forum/The Middle East Group, Denmark

Resistance Struggle is not Terrorism

Free all arrested members of the Turkish liberation movement DHKC as well as the arrested activists from the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy

International Forum/The Middle East Group, in Denmark declares:

On April 1st, coordinate actions by the police in Turkey, Italy, Holland, Germany and Belgium were carried out, resulting in the imprisonment of more than 40 comrades from DHKC (Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Front) as well as the imprisonment of comrades from the Anti-imperialist Camp in Italy.

International Forum/Middle East Group in Denmark strongly condemn the imprisonment of our comrades accused of ´terrorism´. We require their immediate being set free. We condemn the state terrorism of the Turkish military regime as well as we condemn the EU-imperialism collaborating about this imprisonment. The European Union – by participating in this action against the Turkish revolutionary Left – shows that is does not care about human rights such as freedom of speech and freedom of organization, but works together with the semi-fascist Turkish regime when serving its interests

It is important to note that this synchronized action against one of the strongest anti-imperialist organizations of Turkey, namely the DHKC, comes a few months before the scheduled NATO summit in Istanbul at end of June. The DHKC is very active in the mobilization against the coming NATO-summit.

DHKC has been one of the leading forces in the struggle in Turkey against the F-type isolations prisons. International Forum/Middle East group has enjoined meeting representatives of the DHKC at various conferences on political prisoners during the latest years, as well as meeting the DHKC in the Anti-imperialist Camp of Assisi.

We require the immediate release of our comrades.

Stop the state terrorism of Turkey. Fight the EU- and USA-imperialism.
Long live the international solidarity

International Forum – the Middle East Group, Copenhagen
April 8, 2004


Scottish Republican Socialist Movement (SRSM)

Statement on arrests of Turkish & Anti-Imperialist Revolutionaries

The expresses its solidarity with the arrested militants of the Revolutionary People`s Liberation Party-Front (DHKC-P) and the Anti-Imperialist Camp.

The forces of reaction are tightening their grip on the peoples of the world who resist Anglo-American Imperialism. The comrades of the DHKP-C have been leading the resistance in Turkish prisons since the Imperialist-backed slaughter of prisoners on 19 December 2000.

In the week that we hear another three brave comrades have given their lives in this struggle the Imperialists have launched a Europe-wide crackdown on the sympathisers and supporters of the DHKC-P. We condemn this utterly. Over 40 DHKP-C supporters have been arrested in Turkey, Belgium, Germany, Greece and the Netherlands. Further arrests have been made of supporters of the Anti-Imperialist Camp in Italy.

For opposing Imperialism, and refusing to accept the imperialist lies the DHKP-C comrades have faced the brutal repression of the Turkish state, been declared a “terrorist” organisation and placed on the EU `blacklist`. Now this repression is being meted out on a European scale. The Anti-Imperialist Camp have been resolute opponents of the Imperialist wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Now they pay the price for supporting the resistance of the Iraqi people, and offering support and solidarity to the Turkish revolutionaries.

The Imperialists are using the “War on Terrorism” to crack down on all resistance to Bush`s global agenda. The British continue to imprison Arabs and Muslims under the racist Terrorism Act 2000 in a method reminiscent of arrests of Irish men and women for the “crime” of being Irish.

But they are preparing for a war more brutal and bloody than any that has been seen before – they are preparing the way for the resistance of the world`s peoples to Imperialism & Globalisation. We take our stand with all genuine anti-imperialists, socialists and national liberation fighters.

Free the Turkish and Anti-Imperialist Revolutionaries!
Victory to the working-class!


Communist Workers Peasants Party, Pakistan (CMKP) condenms Italian Government Fascist Act

Demands Release of Detained Comrades of Anti-Imperialist Camp

Communist Workers Peasants Party, Pakistan (CMKP) condemns in strongest terms the arrests of Comrades Moreno Pasquinelli (the international spokesman), Alessia Monteverdi and Maria Grazia Ardizzone of Anti-imperialist Camp and two Turkish exiles, supposedly members of the DHKP-C (Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic). Their sin before the Italian government is their ceaseless political resistance to American military invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in particular and US imperialist vendetta all over the world in general. They have been also exposing and hitting hard the Zionist Israeli government´s savage act on the Palestinian people. Anti-Imperialist Camp´s persistent struggle against imperialist intruders, barbarism, occupation and economic plunder has made the Italian government panicky, as it is also the ally of US imperialist monster.

Their arrests are so far aimed at harassing them but would not deter their resolve to rock the edifice of imperialism. The criminal act speaks of its cowardice and fascist mentality. Communist Workers Peasants Party, Pakistan (CMKP) denounces such method and demands of the Italian government to immediately release them. Our comrades, at present behind the bar, are not alone but the people of the entire world are with them to fight imperialism and its puppet like Italy.

CMKP feels its fraternal and international obligation to demonstrate its solidarity with Anti-Imperialist Camp at the hour of trial and tribulation.

Down with fascist tactics
Down with US war mongering
Down with imperialism.


Irish Republican Socialist Party

16 April 2004

IRSP: Free the Jailed Activists of the DHKP-C and Anti-Imperialist Camp

The International Department of the Irish Republican Socialist Party joins with revolutionaries around the globe in denouncing the arrest of Comrades of the Revolutionary People`s Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) throughout Europe. The Irish Republican Socialist Party wish to express our solidarity with these Anatolian revolutionaries who have become the scapegoat of European imperialism in the wake of the bombings in Spain, as well as with the activists of the Anti-Imperialist Camp who have bravely defended them. We further condemn the arrests of three Italian members of the Anti-Imperialist Camp in Perugia.

We in the IRSP have long maintained comradely relations with the DHKP-C, who have set an example for revolutionaries around the globe by their courage and iron will in the face of adversity, repression, a death. Members of our movement have stood beside the members of the DHKP-C on death fast, and DHKP-C members have stood at the grave-sides of the martyred hunger strikers of the Irish National Liberation Army. We have come together to speak out against the isolation of political prisoners and prisoners of war, especially those of the class war, in the past. We speak out again now in solidarity with them and in disgust over the imperialists of Europe using the pretext of their `war on terrorism` to terrorise revolutionaries within the Turkish and Kurdish communities of Europe.

Regarding the arrests of three Italian members of the Anti-Imperialist Camp, the IRSP recognise that the comrades of the Anti-Imperialist Camp have been targeted by the Italian ruling class for their militant defense of the armed resistance to the US/British invasion and occupation of Iraq, as well as for their efforts to bring anti-imperialists from around the world into dialogue and collective action with one-another. We call upon revolutionary socialists and anti-imperialist activists worldwide to join in the defense of these activists and continue to support the efforts by the Anti-Imperialist Camp to forge stronger bonds of solidarity between revolutionary organisations throughout the world.

Anti-capitalists and anti-imperialists can no longer continue to accept such repression by the ruling class. The working class, in nations throughout the world, can no longer continue to prop up a capitalist system which is maintained through the left of their labour power and leaves them with only misery; a system in which useless parasites grow fat while working people starve by the hundreds of millions. Anti-capitalists and anti-imperialists must stand together now and demand an end to these witch-hunts, this repression, and this tyranny.

Peadar Baile
Co-Secretary, International Department
Irish Republican Socialist Party


Russian worker´s right activists from St. Petersburg

We have just sent the message below to the Italian embassy in Moscow, Italian consulate in St. Petersburg and Turkish embassy in Moscow. We wish to the arrested anti-imperialists to be released as soon as possible. We express our solidarity with the protest action in Perugia.

Evgeny Kozlov, Igor Gotlib

We are demanding immediate release of Italian anti-imperialists and Turkish revolutionaries arrested by the police in Italy and other EU states under the pretext of “fighting terrorism”. We consider the repression against them as just another expression of hypocrisy of imperialists` bourgeois “democracy” – the highest points of this “democracy” being probably the occupation of Iraq and Palestine, and the repressive practice of the Turkish regime.

With all our political disagreements with organizations the arrested militants belong to, we condemn unconditionally the police repression conducted under the veil of “anti-terrorist” hysteria.

Free Moreno Pasquinelli, Maria Grazia Ardizzone, Alessia Monteverdi, arrested militants of the Turkish revolutionary opposition!

Evgeny KOZLOV, co-chairman of the St. Petersburg (Leningrad United Actions Committee in defence of workers` rights

Tamara VEDERNIKOVA, co-chairwoman of the St. Petersburg (Leningrad) United Actions Committee in defence of workers` rights

Igor GOTLIB, co-ordinator of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the “Alternatives” movement

Grigory POPOV, chairman of the board of the St. Petersburg Federation of Socialist Youth

Mikhail DRUZHININSKY, chairman of the St. Petersburg Free Trade Union of tram workers

Anatoly PYZHOV, secretary for foreign relations of the executive committee of the “Defence of Labour” Inter-professional Association of Workers` Unions of Russia

Inars PAVELKA, chief editor of the “Proletarskaya gazeta” newsletter


All Manipur United Clubs Organisation, North East India

I came to know late that three activists of the Anti-Imperialist Camp and two of the Turkish-Kurdish DHKC Moreno, Maria Grazia, Alessia, Zeynep, Avni were arrested.

I condemn the arrest as an act of cowardice.

The imperialists have no option but to use repressive measures to suppress people. They should leave Iraq immediately instead of arresting those who are fighting for justice.

Jagat Thoudam


Rød Valgallianse (Red People´s Alliance), Norway
April 20th

Our Party condemns the actions taken by Italian authorities against the three comrades of the Antiimperialist Camp were arrested on orders from the Magistracy of Perugia: the international spokesman, Moreno Pasquinelli, Alessia Monteverdi and Maria Grazia Ardizzone. During the same operation, two members of the DHKC, Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic, were arrested.

This is yet another example of the way European legislators and authorities attempt to denounce national liberation struggle and resistance as terrorism. Clearly this is a political reaction against the anti-imperialist struggle. There is no way to challenge this repression but to keep up our struggle for national and democratic rights in Europe, as well as all over the world.

In solidarity
Lars Akerhaug
International officer
Rød Valgallianse


The Iraqi Patriotic Alliance condemns the arrests of the anti-imperialists in Italy

Statement of solidarity from the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, April 20, 2004

The Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA) sharply condemns the arrests of the three comrades of the Anti-imperialist Camp (the international spokesman Moreno Pasquinelli, Alessia Monteverdi and Maria Grazia Ardizzone) and two Turkish exiles, supposedly members of the DHKP-C (Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic).

These arrests have nothing to do with fighting real terrorism. Their sole purpose is to silence the criticism from anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist organizations.

Through their work the anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist organizations have been revealing the political gap between the established political parties in Italy and the Italian people, who clearly support the just struggle of the Iraqi people as shown by the big demonstration on March 20, which demanded the withdrawal of Italian troops from Iraqi soil.

The arrests must be viewed in this context.

The IPA states that the struggle of the Iraqi people for the liberation of Iraq from the imperialist US-led occupation neither needs money, weapons nor individuals. The Iraqi resistance only needs the political and moral support of the peoples of the world, especially the Italian people, who fought the same battle in the 1940s as we Iraqis are doing now.

The popular uprising against the occupation in Iraq, which started on April 6, should make the Italian government withdraw its troops from Iraq and bring them home to their barracks and families.

Peace in the world can only be achieved by defeating imperialism and its foundation, capitalism.

The IPA demands that the Italian government immediately release all the arrested anti-imperialists and instead arrest the war criminals that are committing massacre upon massacre on the Iraqi people and on other peoples.

Full support for our comrades in Italy and elsewhere!

On behalf of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance

Sammi Alaá


Continuity Group of the World Social Forum

The following appeal was released by the “Continuity Group” of the World Social Forum (WSF) after a meeting with a delegation of the Anti-Imperialist Camp.


On the 1st of April, 2004, the militants of the Anti-Imperialist Camp Moreno Pasquinelli, Alessia Monteverdi and Maria Grazia Ardizzone were arrested. Together with them some exiled militants of the DHKC, a formation of the Turkish left banned by the anti-democratic regime of Ankara, were detained as well. For days the militants of the Anti-imperialist Camp were denied contact to their lawyers. For the militants of the DHKC the situation is even more dramatic as they risk to be extradited to a county where capital punishment – though suspended for the case of Abdullah Öcalan – still forms an integral part of the juristic framework. Furthermore in the Turkish prisons torture is practiced on a regular base and it is not by accident that many of the detained militants of the DHKC have died.

Just because we are far away from the political positions expressed by the Anti-Imperialist Camp, we consider it important to unify our voice in defence of the rule of law and against an imprisonment which appears to be unjust and unfounded. We release this appeal to avert the extradition of the militants of the DHKC to Turkey and in order that they are granted the rights due to exiled and politically persecuted people.


International League of Peoples` Struggle (ILPS) – Philippines Chapter

Statement of Condemnation on the Arrest of Members of the Anti-Imperialist Camp in Italy

The International League of Peoples` Struggle-Philippines Chapter condemns the arrest of anti-imperialist activists arrested by the Italian government for their ceaseless protest actions against the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the US-Zionism continuing attacks against the Palestinian people´s assertion to return to their homeland, and for self-determination, etc.

The ILPS urges the Italian government to immediately release the following activists, two of whom are Turkish elites, namely: Moreno Pasquinelli, Alessia Monteverdi, Maria Grazia Ardizzone, including Turkish Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic.

Their continuing detention inspite of condemnation from many organizations around the world, reveals the reactionary character of the Italian government which does not brook any criticism or militant actions by anti-imperialist groups such as the Anti-Imperialist Camp.

The Anti-Imperialist Camp had been tirelessly raising issues related to US war mongering, intervention, aggression, and plunder. Through different forms of propaganda and protest actions, the Anti-Imperialist Camp had incurred the ire of the ruling and pro-imperialist elite in Italy and their allies among other reactionary groups.

The plight of Comrades Moreno, Alessia, Maria Grazzia, Avni and Zeynep is similar to our more than 300 political detainees in the Philippines whose only “sin” was that they fought for meaningful and radical changes, especially the removal of US` foreign control on our economy, politics, culture and social life, including land for our peasant tillers and higher wages and right of workers to form trade unions, and right of the youth to education, and demands of other sectors.

Let us link arms with our sisters and brothers from the Anti-Imperialist Camp and other anti-imperialist groups not only in Italy but also in many parts of the world in our common resolve to bring an end to US imperialism – the number one terrorist in the world today.#

ILPS – Philippines Chapter


Revolutionary Communist Group (Britain)

The Revolutionary Communist Group (Britain) condemns the arrest and confinement of Moreno Pasquinelli, Alessia Monteverdi, Maria Grazia Ardizzone, Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic. This attack by the Italian state on comrades from the Anti-Imperialist Camp and Turkish movement is part of the overall offensive by imperialism on those that `dare` to resist. We offer our full solidarity and call for the dropping of all charges and immediate release of all comrades.

Bob Shepherd, Revolutionary Communist Group (Britain)

Solidarity messages in
Spanish and Portuguese
