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Against repression and the “Black Lists”

20. May 2004

International convention, June 12, Florence, Italy

1. The repression against the revolutionary liberation movements of the oppressed people is increasing both in Europe and throughout the world. Imperialist capitalism, being increasingly unable to govern by the instruments of engineering social consensus, is unleashing an outright witch hunt against all those opposing the current world order. Repression hits hardest against the peoples which are in the first line of the struggle against American imperialism and continue to resist, but also in the heart of the West itself. The so-called “Black Lists” are one of the preferred instruments to strike against the movements which do not intend to bow their heads. We are dealing with a totalitarian instrument which assigns to the compilers of the Black Lists tyrannical power. The set-up of the Black Lists interferes and conflicts with the juridical framework of the single states. It serves to systematically equate resistance with terrorism, the key motive of the reactionary propaganda of our epoch. In order to impede the guantanamisation of the world we need to mobilise against the Black Lists of the US and the EU. We need to forge a democratic front against the threat of a victory of the imperialist arbiter.

2. This necessity is even more urgent facing the attempt to negate the legitimacy of the heroic resistance struggle of the Iraqi people. In Iraq a decisive battle is raging. Its outcome will strongly impact on the perspectives of the struggles in other countries of the Middle East and throughout the world. Even in Europe the struggles by the oppressed considerably feel the effects of the conflict between imperialism and the resisting people. Today the highest point of this struggle is Iraq. It is not by accident that the attempts to criminalisation are the strongest exactly with regard to the Iraqi resistance. Therefore this is a decisive issue of our political and cultural struggle. We thus affirm two essential concepts: a) the right of the Iraqi people to resist (which all aggressed people are entitled to) in order to concretely exercise their self-determination; b) the total refusal of the equation between resistance and terrorism reminding of the “Achtung Banditen” used by the Nazis to confront the partisans during the WW II.

3. In Italy two Turkish militants of the DHKC and three of the Anti-imperialist Camp were arrested. Further arrested occurred in other European countries and especially in Turkey. This international operation was cooked up in the juridical framework of the Black Lists. The freedom of these comrades is an aim of the entire movement against the war, in opposition to the imperialist policy in general and especially to the current occupation of Iraq. We invite everybody to join the mobilisation for their liberation, to win this authentic democratic battle and to stop the wave of repression.

For all these motives and in our strive to give an appropriate answer the undersigned organisations promote an international convention against the repression and the Black Lists scheduled in Florence, Italy, for June 12, 2004.

Enough of the “Black Lists”!
For the right to resist oppression!
Terrorism is the imperialist one!
Solidarity with the forces struck by repression!
Free the arrested compares!


…• Giuseppe Pelazza – lawyer
…• Vainer Burani – Democratic Jurists
…• Hamza Piccardo – secretary of Muslim community in Italy (UCOII)
…• Moreno Pasquinelli, indicted for “terrorism”
…• DHKC (Turchia)
…• Behatoki (Basque Lawyer´s Association)
…• KKE-ml (Greece)
…• Anti-imperialist Camp Austria
…• Paolo Cento, Vice president of the justice commission of the house of deputies
…• Alessandro Leoni, regional deputy of PRC for Tuscany
…• Marco Riformetti
…• Paolo Babini

Italian convenors:

Anti-imperialist Camp
Free Iraq Committees
Laboratorio Marxista
ASP (Association for Proletarian Solidarity)
CARC (Support Committees for the Resistance for Communism)
Lupo, Osimo
Utopia Concreta, Brescia
Review “Ernesto TOSCANA”
Lupo, Osimo
Giovanni Barbagli, fraction leader of the PRC in the regional council of Tuscany
Alessandro Leoni; National Political Committee of PRC
Adriana Miniati, CGIL union, Florence
Luca Rovai, councillor of PRC in Montelupo Fiorentino
Fabio Pasquinelli, Secretary of PRC, Osimo
Giammarco Burgdofer, Green Party, Osimo
Roberto Cappellini, Secretary of PRC Pistoia
Maurizio Brodini, CGIL union Empoli
Giorgio Lindi, secretary PRC Massa Carrara
Mauro Lenzi, fraction leader of PRC in the provincial council of Siena
Stefano Cristiano, councillor of PRC Pistoia
Luciano Giannoni, PRC Tuscany
Antonino Moscato, Federal Committee of PRC Florence
Mariano Mingarelli, founding member of the association Italia-Palestina
