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Bayan International against the Black List

11. June 2004

Message to the Florence Conference

Message to the International Meeting Against the Black Listing
Firenze, Italy, 12 June 2004

BAYAN International Europe joins the organizers and participants in this meeting to expose and oppose the “black list”. This blacklisting of suspected enemies of imperialist state has unfortunately targetted and victimized so many innocents, most especially migrants, refugees and peoples of color.

This terrorist witchhunt is now backfiring among its most vicious implementors, namely, the US and the European Union states. The international media and many prestigious human rights organizations and concerned individuals have stood up and exposed the blatant violations of the rights of the victims of these modern-day witchhunts.

Not only are the violations of the civil rights and liberties of the victims exposed, but also the real motives of the implementors of this black listing, which are, to impose a new world order controlled by the monopoly capitalists, to arrest the crisis of capitalism, to demonize national liberation struggles and to suppress civil and democratic rights under the banner of capitalist “peace” and “harmony”.

We believe that this meeting in Firenze, Italy, is but one manifestation of the people´s resistance and determination to put a stop to the black listing, and to defend civil and democratic rights.

Now more than ever, the people´s resistance and the anti-imperialist front must forge greater unity and advance the struggle against this latest imperialist assault on the people´s of the world.

Long live international solidarity!

BAYAN International (Europe)
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Tel: +31-33-4723084
