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Colombia: persecution against peasant leaders of Arauca continues

9. July 2004

Release on bail for Luz Perly denied

In another blatant act of violation not only of the elementary human rights but also of the disregard of the very Colombian judiciary, the prosecutor of the Anti-terrorist Branch, Moisà©s Grimaldo Arteaga, denied the appeals of Luz Perly Cà³rdoba Mosquera and Juan de Jesús Gutià©rrez Ardila to be released after 120 of detention. According to the decision of a regular court the two popular leaders should be released on bail after 120 days. Thus the anti-terrorist office of the public prosecutor, which is known to be closely linked to DAS, the Colombian Intelligence Service, repeatedly shows its disrespect of the legal framework.

Luz Perly alongside with other peasant leaders has been arrested on charge of insurgency. However, her case is special. Because of countless death threats by paramilitary forces Luz Perly has been admitted to the protection programme for activists of social organisations performed by the interior ministry and the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights.

This is just another element of the mosaic proving that the rhetoric of president Uribe who speaks of democratisation and normalisation is just a lie.

Details about the case of Luz Perly:

Free the Colombian peasant leader Luz Perly!
Colobian peasant leader Luz Perly still in prison
