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Weapons of mass destruction in the hands of mass murderers

Endorsement Message of Support/Solidarity with Anti Imperialist Camp Conference August 2004 in Assisi, Italy

26. July 2004

"We can do with the new weapons what we thought we could do only with nuclear weapons". Colin Powell, US Secretary of State to the World Media - July 2002

In the struggle for TRUTH, JUSTICE and PEACE we send the following OPEN STATEMENT/PRESS RELEASE to the Anti Imperialist Camp Conference in Assisi, Italy.

“We can do with the new weapons what we thought we could do only with nuclear weapons”.

Colin Powell, US Secretary of State to the World Media – July 2002

Weapons of mass destruction then in the hands of mass murderers.

Mass murderers aided and abetted by a compliant media manipulating perceptions in this unprecedented era of repressive political power and cyberhype infantilism.

Opposing this imperialistic institutionalised madness we can be armed only with the truth –

Truth on the second front in the information war –

Keeping in mind the words of Emile Gaboriau –

“When it comes to information, be especially wary of plausibility.
Always begin by believing the unbelievable”.

In solidarity and support –

John Kelly
For International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (Irish Section)
