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For a movement of self-defence against repression

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp 04 Assisi

12. August 2004

The plenary meeting of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2004 considers it to be of fundamental importance to build a wide front of struggle able to contrast the growing repressive thrust which is being strongly nourished by the philosophy of "preventive war", and which has brought about the "US Patriot Act", the order of the US President of November 13, 2001, Guantanamo and the Black Lists of both the USA and the EU.

The meeting:

1. Confirms its commitment first of all to obtaining the liberation of the comrades Zeynep Kilic and Avni Er, still held in an Italian gaol as part of the so-called “Operation Thrace” launched on last April 1st, and of William Frediani, militant of the Anti-imperialist Camp who is currently held in the prison of Pisa as part of an inquiry into the “COR” movement.

2. Expresses its support for the development of international campaigns of great symbolic value, such as the campaign for the liberation of comrade Saadat, secretary of the PFLP, and the campaign for freeing the comrade Luz Perly Cordoba of the Peasants´ Association of Arauca (Colombia).

3. Decides to look into the feasibility of making a European-wide book on all the main aspects of repression in each country.

4. Joins in the declaration of the International Conference of Solidarity of Donostia, organized by the Pro Amnistia movement of Euskal Herria.

5. Proposes making the necessary contacts in order to set up forms of coordination against repression on a European and international level.

6. Concerning Italy, decides to start working – together with other forces interested – on establishing a national coordination against repression, which must be a unitary, pluralist and not self-referential tool.

Assisi, August 6, 2004
