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International day of action for the Iraqi Resistance

28. August 2004

Sept 25, anniverary of the Palestinian Intifada, as of Sept 21

For the Iraqi Resistance

In Iraq a battle of historic importance is raging. After two wars of aggression and a genocidal embargo claiming 2 million lives and having devastated an entire country, the Iraqi people is confronting the illegitimate and brutal occupation by the US and their allies. The heroic resistance of the Iraqi people against the Anglo-American invaders is legitimate according to international law and the UN Charter, including the right to resort to armed means. They are claiming their inalienable right to national self-determination and sovereignty. But at stake is much more, namely the very future of the US attempt to erect their global empire, that is to say the future of humanity.

The battle of the Iraqi people is the battle of all movements, peoples and nations fighting for their liberation from the imperialist world system led by the US. Therefore we have to firmly rally behind the Iraqi resistance. If we are able to support their struggle to smash the US attempt to build a puppet regime and to eventually drive out the invaders, it will result into a victory for mankind. It will not only give new momentum to the struggle of the Palestinian and Afghan people, but will lead to a new offensive of the liberation struggles all around the world.

Thus we call upon the democratic forces of the world, the anti-war and the anti-globalisation movements to join hands in a international day of action for the victory of the Iraqi resistance with demonstrations all around the world on September 25, the Saturday before the anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada.

Stop the occupation of Iraq and Palestine!
Imperialist troops and bases out!
Down with the US preventive war and their empire!

Mumbai, January 19, 2004

Promoting organizations:

1. Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
2. Iraqi Communist Party (Cadre)
3. Patriotic Democratic Communist Current, Iraq
4. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
5. Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA)
6. National Liberation Council, Bangladesh
7. Socialist Thought Forum, Jordan
8. Askapena, Basque Country
9. Anti-imperialist Camp
10. Kenya Socialist Democratic Alliance (KSDA)
11. Communist Mazdor Kisan Party (CMKP), Pakistan
12. Stop the War Action Coalition, Japan
13. National Alliance for Democracy & Reunification of Korea (NADRK)
14. Co-ordination Simà³n Bolà­var, Venezuela
15. Left Front, Hungary
16. Free Iraq, Committees for the Resistance of the Iraq People, Italy
17. Revolutionary People´s Liberation Front (DHKC International), Turkey
18. Danish Committee for a Free Iraq
19. Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network, USA
20. Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Committee, USA
21. Anti US & Israeli Globalization & Hegemony Movement, Lebanon
22. International Leninist Current
23. Action Circle 24 March, Jena, Germany
24. Yugoslav Austrian Solidarity Movement (JÖSB)
25. Revolutionary Communist League, Thuringia, Germany
26. Sierra Leone People´s Democratic League (PDL)
27. Arab Palestinian Club (APC) Vienna, Austria
28. Action for Unity and Socialism, Chad
29. Initiativ e.V., Duisburg, Germany
30. North East Coordination Committee on Human Rights (NECOHR), Seven North-eastern Indian States
31. Pro Defense of Life and Liberty Association (APRODEVIL), Peru
32. Graduates of Iraqi Universities and Colleges Club in Jordan
33. Kana`an editorial board, Palestine
34. Kana`an online editorial board, Palestine
35. The Arab Muntada – Ramallah, Palestine
36. Al-Wehda Weekly Newspaper, Jordan
37. Damascus Centre for Theoretical Studies and Civil Rights, Syria
38. National Union of the Students of Jordan
39. Jordanian Democratic Youth Union
40. Students and Youth Office of the Jordanian Workers Communist Party
41. National Democratic Front of South Korea
42. Freedom Socialist Party, USA
43. Free Iraq Committee, Austria
44. Support Committee for the Palestinian People and the Struggle against the Normalisation with the Zionist Enemy, Tunisia
45. Front for Rights and Liberties (HÖC), Turkey
46. Mothers against War, Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany
47. Association of Syrian doctors and pharmacist, Austria
48. Palestinian Community Austria
49. Loyalty to Men and Earth, Lebanon
50. Party of Muslims of France (PMF)
51. Özgür Der, Turkey
52. Human Dignity & Rights (HDR), Germany
53. 32 County Sovereignty Movement, Ireland
54. Patriotic Front of the Socialist Left, Poland
55. Anti-imperialist Group, Basel, Switzerland
56. People´s Struggle Movement, Iraq
57. Swiss Support Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea
58. Liberal Republican Party, Iraq
59. Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe (ATIK)
60. Federation of Workers from Turkey in Germany (ATIF)
61. New Democratic Youth (YDG), Turkey
62. International League of Peoples´ Struggles (ILPS)
63. Peace for Palestine, Vienna, Austria
64. Worker´s Communist Party (AKP), Norway
65. Committee Free Iraq, Germany
66. Brussels Iraq Tribunal Committee

Promoting individuals:

1. Shayhka Maulani Aeisha Muhammad, USA
2. Ahmed Karim, Patriotic Democratic Communist Current, Iraq
3. Noori Al-Muradi, Iraqi Communist Party (Cadre)
4. Djimadoum Ley-Ngardigal, Chad
5. Blagovesta Doncheva Georgieva, Sofia, Bulgaria
6. Harsh Thakor, Human rights activist, Bombay, India
7. Serguei Novikov, Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Workers´ Party of Russia – Party of Revolutionary Communists (RKRP-RPK)
8. Awni Al-Kalemji, Spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
9. Andrew Kahn, Student, New York City, USA
10. Dr. Hisham Bustani, Jordan
11. Dr. Abdel-Sattar Kasem, Runner-up for the President elections, Palestine
12. Sarah Al-Qudah, Journalist, Jordan
13. Farhan Al-Matar, Journalist, Syria
14. Jamal A. Rasheed, Cameraman, Palestine
15. Nidal Hashem, Cartoonist, Jordan
16. Zeina Sfeir, Filmmaker, Lebanon
17. Muwaffaq Mahadin, Writer, Jordan
18. Stevan Mirkovic, retired general and chief of staff of the Yugoslav People´s Army
19. Degaulle Adili, Arab Jordanian Activist, USA
20. Chokri Latif, Support Committee for the Palestinian People and the Struggle against the Normalisation with the Zionist Enemy, Tunisia
21. Marjorie Broadbent, retired Life Member of Australian Education Union
22. Elias Davidsson, composer, Reykjavik, Island
23. Brigitte Queck, Berlin, Germany
24. Mirka Czerna,, Polish-Palestinian Friendship Society, Poland
25. Farid Hannah, Former employee of an international organisation, Vienna, Austria
26. Dr. George Nicola, Vice president of the Palestinian Community of Austria
27. Wilfried Bader, Communal Councillor, Alternative Liste Angerberg, Tirol, Austria
28. Sharif Mohammad Omar Khalid, Land Defence Committee, Palestine
29. Haissam Hussein, Loyalty to Men and Earth, Lebanon
30. Oliver Jonischkeit, Federal secretary of the Union´s Left Block (GLB) within the Austrian Federation of Unions (ÖGB), member of the executive committee of the European Office of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), Austria
31. Lars Akerhaug, International Officer, RV (Red Electoral Alliance), Participant in the co-ordinating committee of “Bring-Back-the-Troops”
32. Mohamed Regragui, militant de la GSU, Maroc
33. Oralba Castillo Nájena, Colictivo Libertad, Mexico
34. Maria Bencomo, Popular Base Movement, Venezuela
35. Sameera Rajab, journalist, Bahrain
36. Martin Lötscher, President of the Swiss Support Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea
37. Karin Oberkofler, Innsbruck, Austria
38. Albert F. Reiterer, political scientist, Vienna, Austria
