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Free Abduljabbar!

12. September 2004

List of signataries as of Oct 7, 2004

Abduljabbar Al-Kubaysi, president of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA) and renown exponent of the popular resistance, was arrested on September 3 in a quarter of Baghdad controlled by the guerrilla. The house he stayed in was surrounded and stormed by US occupation forces employing helicopters, tanks and up to one hundred heavily armed soldiers.

Immediately after the Anglo-American aggression Abduljabbar decided to end thirty years of exile and returned to Iraq in order to engage in the struggle to chase away the occupants. For more than one years he has been spending – under very difficult conditions – all his energy to forge the unity of all popular forces fighting for independence and sovereignty of his country.

His passionate commitment for the freedom of Iraq, the love for his people afflicted by the war, the intransigent determination to chase out the imperialist invaders have earned him the ferocious hostility of both the Americans and their local satraps (first of all the so-called prime minister Allawi) who had been tracking him already for a while.

We express our strongest possible protest against the hijacking of Abduljabbar as we condemn the numerous disappearances of people opposing the occupation. Actually we are faced with an act of international piracy perpetrated by a despotic– nobody can forget Abu Ghraib – and illegitimate power for which democracy is valid only within the perimeter in which are barricaded all those accepting the bloody occupation.

Expressing our full solidarity to the family and comrades of Abduljabbar we demand his immediate release. In case this is not met we commit ourselves to send an authoritative international delegation to Baghdad emphasizing our demand.

Free Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi!
All occupation troops out of Iraq!
Self-determination and freedom for the Iraqi people!

First signatories:

…· Walter Wendelin, ASKAPENA (Basque Solidarity with the peoples)
…· Lars Akerhaug, International Officer Red Electoral Alliance (RV), Norway
…· Lola Oliván, Arabist, Arabist, militant of the Arab Cause and member of the Spanish Campaign Against Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq (CEOS)
…· Walid Al-Kubaisi, author and refugee from Iraq, Norway
…· Gerhard Drexler, communist dissident and activist for the Iraqi resistance, Austria
…· Arnljot Ask, international secretary of the Worker´s Communist Party (AKP), Norway
…· John Catalinotto, International Action Center, USA
…· Jörg Ulrich, former member of the PKK´s armed forces, leading member of Initiative Duisburg, Germany
…· Sanaa Mustafa, Arab house Oslo, Norway
…· Jean-Pierre Page, Co-organiser of the French conference in support of the Iraqi resistance
…· International League of People´s Struggle (ILPS)
…· Moreno Pasquinelli, spokesman of the Anti-imperialist Camp
…· Leonardo Mazzei, chairman of the Free Iraq Committee, Italy
…· Klaus von Raussendorff, journalist, Bonn, Germany
…· Joachim Guilliard, publicist, Heidelberg, Germany
…· Mohamed Regragui, activist for democratic rights, Morocco
…· Dimitri Tsalos, spokesman of the Committee Free Iraq, Germany
…· Sean Burns, 32csm International Department, Belfast, Irland
…· Costanzo Preve, philosopher, Italy
…· Giuseppe Pelazza, lawyer, Italy
…· Domenico Losurdo, philosopher, Italy
…· Franz Fischer, Anti-imperialist Group Basel, Switzerland
…· Sammi Alaa, chairman of the Committee Free Iraq, Denmark
…· Torstein Dahle, President of the Red Electoral Alliance, Norway
…· Awni Al-Kalemji, intl spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
…· Jagat Thoudam, President of All Manipur United Clubs Organisation (AMUCO), India
…· Zafar Aslam, intl secretary of the Communist Mazdor Kisan Party (CMKP), Pakistan
…· Group Revolusjon, Norway
…· Gurmeet, editor Peoples Resistance, bi-monthly of the All Indian People´s Resistance Forum (AIPRF), India
…· Hülya Sekerci, President of Özgur Der (Free Thought and Educational Rights Association), Turkey
…· Serdar Yilmaz, President of Özgur Der Diyarbakir branch, Turkey
…· Kenan Alpay, Editör of Haksoz (Islamic Monthly Magazine),Istanbul, Turkey
…· Ridvan Kaya, Author Haksoz, Turkey
…· Hamza Turkmen, Publisher Ekin Publishing House, Turkey
…· Necip Kibar, Lawyer, Istanbul Bar Association, Turkey
…· Badruddin Umar, President of the Bangladesh National Liberation Council
…· Choukri Latif, Committee for the support of Palestinians and against the Normalization with Zionism, Tunisia
…· Gabriele Roberto, Italy
…· Aldo Bernardini, scholar for international law, Italy
…· Vainer Burani, lawyer, Democratic Jurists, Italy
…· Suhel Sleibi, Abna el-Balad, Magd el-Kurum, Palestina
…· Gamil Safuri, Abna el-Balad, Shefa`amer, Palestina
…· Yoav Bar, Abna el-Balad, Haifa, Palestina
…· Abdelmoumen Belanà¨s, former political prisoner, Tunisia
…· Ali Ben Salem, president of the Ligue of former Resistance Fighters, Tunisia
…· Mohamed Maali, journalist and former political prisoner, Tunisia
…· Radhia Nasraoui, lawyer, president of the Association against Torture ALTT, Tunisia
…· Hana al-Bayaty, film maker
…· Nasir Loyant, Left Radicals of Afghanistan
…· George Nicola, vice president of the Palestinian Community Austria
…· Lachit Bordoloi, Secretary General of the North East Coordination Committee on Human Rights (NECOHR), India
…· Abdul Ilah al-Bayaty, political refugee from Iraq, France
…· Peter Szekely, Secretary general of the Left Front and member of the presidium of the Worker´s Party, Hungary
…· Said Zeriouh, membre central committee Unified Socialist Left (GSU), Morocco
…· Aziz El Atrouz, membre GSU, Marrakech, Morocco
…· Pà´le de Renaissance Communiste, France
…· Franz Pöschl, Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands/Marxisten-Leninisten KPD/ML (Roter Stern), Germany
…· Antonio Manuel Carrasco Fonseca, Badajoz, Spain
…· Victor Novo, Secretary for international relations of the Federation of University Students (FEUV), Venezuela
…· Erik Anderson, International secretary Communist Party Marxist- Leninist (revolutionaries) [KPML(r)], Sweden
…· Monika Balzer, Kommunistische Plattform Hamburg “Friedrich Engels”, Germany
…· Hamdan Aldamiri, member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Belgium
…· Mohamed Elaouni, journalist, member of the Political Bureau of the GSU, Morocco
…· Raj Kishore, General Secretary of Struggling Forum for Peoples` Resistance (SFPR), India
…· Bruno Drweski, France
…· Tania Noctiummes, economist, international functionary, Sri Lanka
…· Lahoucine Amal, professor, Annahj Addimocrati, Morocco
…· Djimadoum Ley-Ngardigal, Secretary General Action for Socialism and Unity, Chad
…· Confederation of Workers´ from Turkey in Europe (ATIK)
…· Farid Hanna, former employee of an international organisation, Vienna, Austria
…· Bogdan Radomski, president of the Patriotic Front of Socialistic Left, Poland
…· Hisham Bustani, Socialist Thought Forum, Jordan
…· Chris Sedlmair, Iraq News Network, Germany
…· Jozef Lachut, Vice president Polish Communist Party
…· Boleslaw Tejkowski, Polish National Community Party
…· Irmgard Hubauer, sociologist, Austria
…· Alla Bogdanova, Arab House Oslo, Norway
…· Douglas Richard Aitken, London, England
…· Foreign Office of the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)
…· Klaus Hartmann, vice president of the World Union of Three Thinkers, Germany
…· Arab Cause Solidarity Committee (CSCA), Spain
…· Gilles Munier, secretary general of Amitià©s franco-irakiennes, France
…· Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
…· Cristina Avendaño, “Another world is possibile”, Argentina
…· Maite Jean, elementary school teacher, Kingersheim, France
…· Clà©ment Dousset, teacher, member CasquesBleusCitoyens, France
…· Ginette Hess Skandrani, journalist, Paris, France
…· Aziz Messaoudim, AMDH, Rabat Section, Morocco
…· Anti-globalist Resistance, Russia
…· Nouvelle Gauche Communiste,France
…· Emile Fabrol, editor Promà©thà©e, France
…· Alicia Villoldo-Botana, sociologist, teacher, journalist and psychoanalyst, Madrid, Spain
…· Houmad Elkadiri Badaoui, Moroccan activist, Spain
…· Antonio Soriano Espinosa, Spain
…· Josà© Marà­a Garcà­a Labrac, student, Granada, Spain
…· Pedro Servera, Spain
…· Solidarity Association Salvador Allende, Galicia, Spain
…· Narmi Joanna Michejda, bio-chemist, philosopher, Stop the War Initiative, Warsaw, Poland
…· Carlos Felipe Barrà­a Hamamà©, Chile
…· Huguette Saladin, France
…· Emilio Josà© Silva Chapellà­n, Spain
…· Malgorzata Swiątek, Attac Mazowsze, Poland
…· Kaosenlared, Catalonia, Spanish State
…· Semir al-Mubarak, France
