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Reports from the Sept 25 int`l day of action for the Iraqi Resistance

27. September 2004

Hungary, Russia, Turkey


About 60 people marched on Sept 25 from the British to the US embassy in Budapest on the occasion of the anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada thus observing the int´l day of action for the Iraqi resistance.

The protest was called by the “Left Front” while ATTAC Hungary, the Arab Community of Hungary as well as Kurdish forces participated.

The protester were denied to hand over their petition to the diplomatic personnel.


The youth organisations (including the members of the “Antiglobalist Resistance”) organized the two-days anti-capitalist manifestanion in Moscow and the suburbs (about one thousand of participants). Among other slogans there were slogans against the US occupation of Iraq. The slogan of the Antiglobalist Resistance was “Free Iraq!”


Imperialism will be defeated, Intifada will win a victory!

In the 4th year of Intifada, member organizations of “No Occupation and War in Iraq” coordination gathering in Levent, protested the USA and Israel by walking towards Israeli Consulate in Istanbul. Coordination member organizations such as Ozgur-Der, HÖC, ILPS, ESP, SDP, SODAP, HKM carried their signal flags behind “The Resisting Palestinian-Iraqi People will win! Imperialism will be defeated!” placards. The demonstration in which slogans were cried such as, “Murderer Bush, Killer Sharon!”, “Damn with Imperialism/Zionism!”, “Long live Intifada!”, “Biji Biratiya Gelan”, “Bi al Ruh Bi al Dam Nafdik Ya Aqsa/Iraq!” an associate press declaration was read. After the declaration ending with the words, “They will neither be able to hamper Intifada with the wall they build despite resisting Palestinian and Iraqi people nor maintain Iraqi occupation via developed arms. The struggle of the public for freedom will get the victory. Intifada will succeed but imperialism will fail.” Vardiya Music Group sang songs. The demonstration in which Ruhan Mavruk recite poem maintained with the song composed by Group Yorum related to Palestine. The demonstration ended with slogans after the Arabic song “al Intifada” sung by Group Yuruyus.

The occupation of Palestine and Iraq were protested in Ankara and Diyarbakir as well. (Haksoz-the news)

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