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1. October 2004

Press release of the Committees Free Iraq Italy

Launched at Mumbai Resistance the international day of action for the Iraqi resistance was observed in several countries including the US. As Committee Free Iraq Italy we draw a positive balance sheet of our activities. However, following difficult political environment should be taken into account:

1) The reflux of the movement against the war.

2) The so-called anti-terrorist campaign of the Berlusconi government and the parliamentary opposition who both exploited the kidnapping of the two Simonas.

3) The powerful offensive of the media against the resistance labelling it “barbarous terrorism” and criminalizing its supporters in Italy.

4) The witch hunt which in the last months has led to the persecution and arrest of many anti-imperialists.

5) The new turn of Rifondazione Comunista who withdrew the demand of the pull-out of the Italian troops and participated in the national alliance over the case of the two Simonas.

Despite this four pro-resistance mobilisations took place in Italy, namely in Milan, Rome and Sassari. In Perugia about 500 gathered in a combative demonstration in defiance of a ban which had been lifted only a short period before. Several hundreds participated also in the concert following suit.

While we remain a minority we cannot be ignored. We are the thorn in the side of the two party system which keeps trying to ban us but so far did not succeed. Thus we are preparing the ground for a growing consensus around the movement in support of the Iraqi resistance.

Emblematic therefore is the demonstration called by Rifondazione Comunista on the very same day which was observed only relatively scarcely. Nevertheless the party leadership was not able to suppress the voices in support of the Iraqi resistance. There are other such symptoms.

We are deeply convinced that the growth of the Iraqi resistance will help to strengthen the Italian one. This does not only require courage but also the maximum unity of the antagonist forces.

