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Mobilisation for Palestine and the Iraqi resistance in Germany

8. October 2004

Amidst hysteria over a so-called “Islamist conference”

The strongest demonstration and politically most consequent one took place in Cologne with about 1,000 participants. It has been organised by the “Cologne Coalition against the Apartheid Wall in Palestine” consisting of German, Arab and Turkish forces. The main slogans were “Dismantle the wall in Palestine”, Stop the occupation in Palestine and Iraq”, “No German Armament supplies to Israel”, “Close down the US bases in Germany”.

The main speakers were a representative of the Palestinian Community of Germany, Felicia Langer, a lawyer originating from Israel supporting the Palestinian case and winner of the Alternative Nobel Award, Klaus Hartmann, chairman of the German Free Thinkers and Dimitri Tsalos, spokesman of the Free Iraq Committee Germany.

The two latter ones clearly spoke out for the unconditional support for the Iraqi and Palestinian resistance which is also legitimate according to international law. Within the demonstration this slogan was also raised.

The demonstrations Cologne and Magdeburg adhered to the international day of action for the Iraqi resistance. Also in Berlin, Hamburg and Stuttgard protests against occupation and the Apartheid wall were staged.

Especially the Cologne demonstration is being regarded as a big success of the pro-resistance forces as the weeks before September 25 were marked by a hysteric media campaign against a so-called “Islamist conference” to be held in Berlin in the beginning of October. On the ground that the organisers were openly supporting the Iraqi and Palestinian resistance and dared to call the US and Israeli aggression terror the conference was forbidden and its main organiser, Fadi Madi, expelled to Lebanon.

The Free Iraq Committee and the Turkish Islamic organisation Human Dignity and Rights (HDR), both promoters of the Cologne demonstration, were the only ones to defend the Berlin conference.
