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Crackdown on Anti-imperialist conference in Pakistan

1. December 2004

Anti-terrorist laws applied

The government of Pakistan did not allow Pakistan Mazdoor Kissan Party (Pakistan Workers´ and Peasant Party) to hold the world anti-imperialist conference scheduled for 27th and 28th of November 2004.

Comrade Gurmit Singh and Ajmer Singh Samra of Desh Bhagat Yadgar Committee, India, were refused visa for Pakistan to attend the conference

At the same time a crack down on party is in full swing. Police registered a false case under the anti-terrorist act against the secretary of the host province of the party and arrested the president of the party of Kasur district.

A case is also registered against leaders of the student front of the party DSF (Democratic Student Federation).

The party is going against the government in the court and a writ a petition will be filed before the Lahore high court against the fascist regime of dictator Musharaf who is playing the role as an agent of us imperialism in the region.

All the anti-imperialist forces are requested to condemn the government of Pakistan. The conference will be held after rescheduling.

Long live revolution!
Syed Azeem, Pakistan Mazdoor Kissan Party
