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Release of Moreno Pasquinelli and Maria Grazia Ardizzone confirmed

6. December 2004

Court refuses the prosecutor´s appeal

Recently the Italian court of appeal refused to bring the two leaders of the Anti-imperialist Camp back to prison who previously have been released by a judgement of the magistrate. This is a further confirmation that the indictment which led to the arrests of April 1 was not only based on an untenable juridical amalgam but also on a political machination orchestrated by the police and in particular the DIGOS (Italian political intelligence) and ROS (intelligence of the paramilitary Carabinieri forces).

First of all the ridiculous thesis collapsed according to which Paquinelli, Ardizzone and Monteverdi had been part of the Turkish organisation “Revolutionary People´s Liberation Front” only because they had helped a political refugee from Turkey to establish himself in Italy. Also falling is the insinuation that our three comrades had operated underground and in secrete given the fact that they have taken political action in the day of light directly addressing the public. So doing they followed the principle to lend solidarity to all movements and militants struggling for the rights of the oppressed peoples and especially the Turkish and Kurdish one.

On the other hand the appeal court decided to keep Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic in custody despite the arbitrariness of the accusations and the grave irregularities committed by the enquiring organs.

We denounce in the strongest terms possible the unjust and unjustified decision to keep our two Turkish comrades in prison. This move is not only to be explained by the attempt to not further endanger an already shaky indictment but also by the servile attitude of the Italian authorities towards the US that is to say its local watchdog, the Turkish regime, which is the author of the entire repressive operation.

Anti-imperialist Camp
December 3, 2004
