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Waiting for your “defensive memorandum”

21. December 2004

Open letter to the DHKC on the Italian April 1 arrests

On the occasion of the Berlin symposium on isolation

Dear comrades,

we would like to write this open letter because a clarification is necessary.

We think that “the first of April” was an attack that Turkey and Italy agreed upon against two important, coherent, constant, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist political organizations.

We know and support the struggle of Turkish people against the military oligarchy that governs in Turkey. We know that this oligarchy is strongly pro-imperialist and pro-USA.

The Italian government is pro-imperialist and pro-US too and this government wanted to attack the political organization that has been struggling most strongly against the black list and has been supporting the Iraqi people´s resistance most strongly. The Italian state wages the war against the Iraqi people; the Italian state is a faithful ally of the USA. The USA wanted the black list, the E.U. compiled the black list and consequently Italy wanted to help Turkey: But this was not the only motivation: The Italian government has been targeting also the antagonist opposition forces within Italy!

The Italian state after the 11th of September changed his criminal law to attack the opposition because of “international terrorism”. “International terrorism” is the popular struggle against the oppression and occupation; “international terrorism is the solidarity to people who are persecuted by a military oligarchy because of political reasons; “international terrorism” is the support to a resistance against a strong and imperialist occupation. But the Italian state could not attack us because we supported the Iraqi resistance: we collected money and it was normal during the war in Vietnam; we are not traitors, because Italy is not in war but in peacekeeping (officially). The Italian state said we supported in reality some people who are members of an organization in the black list: the Turkish comrades are terrorists, their Italian friends are terrorists.

The Italian state wanted to destroy the Anti-imperialist Camp. But the Anti-imperialist Camp didn`t give way, did not bow its head, did not betray: the DHKC was a participating organization last August in the Camp in Assisi; the support to the struggle of the Turkish people remains prominent on the political agenda of the Anti-imperialist Camp.

The Italian comrades who were arrested confirmed, to the judge too, and confirm firmly their support to Turkish comrades, who are persecuted by a military oligarchy.

After the Camp in Assisi, we didn`t organize some particular demonstrations about the comrades who remain in the prison, because last August the two Turkish comrades told us that they had to decide their political and legal line. But we didn`t neglect and don`t neglect the comrades in the prison. A comrade of the Camp is regularly writing letters to them (but obviously cannot touch political points), is maintaining the contact to the lawyer who stays in Rome and who is visiting them in prison.

Now the Italian comrades who were arrested stay out of prison, but it is because the public prosecutor`s office and the judge built differently the charges. But Avni`s wife is on a very particular control by the public prosecutor`s office and police; also she has many problems about her work.

The Anti-imperialist Camp has the intention of working together with the Turkish comrades about the question of Avni and Zeynep, because we must not keep quiet about this question. But for the time being it is up to you to decide your political and legal line. We and the lawyers don`t understand what is this line, so we can`t organize and can`t promote a systematic political campaign. You have to write a “defensive memorandum”, so we can understand whether it is possible that we can work together with you about this question.

Revolutionary greetings
Maria Grazia Ardizzone (also arrested on April 1 and charged with terrorism)
On behalf of the Anti-imperialist Camp
