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Porto Alegre: Demo against Occupation and in Support of the Iraqi Resistance

25. January 2005

Iraqi Patriotic Alliance invites for preparatory meeting

The Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, component of the Iraqi Resistance, proposes to hold a demonstration against occupation and in support of the Iraqi Resistance here in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The protest action should take place on Sunday, 30th January, denouncing at also the faked elections in Iraq which only serve to legitimize the US puppet regime.

We thus invite all anti-imperialist forces to participate in the preparatory meeting on the 27th of January, 2 pm, in the premises of the union SINDSERF-RS, Bento Martins, 24, 9th story close to the campus of the WSF (sector B) in order to commonly convoke the protest.

Sammi Alaa, representative of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance

Brazilian mobile +55-51-91320833
