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Press conference with Sammi Alaa in Porto Alegre

26. January 2005

On the political prisoners and the resistance in Iraq

January 27, 11 am
Centro Cultural World Social Forum
Sala 209 (sala de coletivos)
Sector D

Sammi Alaa, represetative of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA), component of the Iraqi resistance, will address the question of the tens of thousands political and war prisoners unaccounted for by the US occupation force and its local puppets. As an emblematic case he will elaborate on the IPA`s president Abduljabber al-Kubaysi. Kubaysi, who is know for his engagement to form a broad political front of the all resistance forces, has been kidnapped by the US army in Baghdad on September 3, 2004. Since then there is no news about him as the occupation authorities refuse any comment. In fact Kubaysi has the status of a disappeared.

Sammi Alaa will also touch the questions of the forthcoming election farce in Iraq, as ballots under occupation can only serve the aims of the occupants.

Furthermore he will speak on the perspectives of the movement against the occupation and in support of the resistance, especially the demonstration scheduled for January 30 in Porto Alegre by a ad-hoc coalition of anti-imperialist forces.
