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Supporters of the Iraqi people´s liberation struggle to build an international network

22. February 2005

Int´l conference in solidarity with the Iraqi Resistance scheduled

Representatives of solidarity groups from Europe and the Middle East gathered on Sunday, February 13 in Frankfurt, Germany to discuss ways on how to step up the campaign in defence of the Iraqi people´s right to national self-determination and in support of the Iraqi Resistance. Supportive forces from Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, England, Greece, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands as well as from Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon were present. Another dozen groups who could not attend sent their message of support. The meeting has been jointly promoted by the “International League of People´s Struggle”, the “First International Conference for the Support of the Resistance of the Iraqi People” and the “Anti-imperialist Camp”.

The assembly denounced the war of aggression against and occupation of Iraq and the so-called political process set up by the US, including the recent elections, as illegal and illegitimate. These fraudulent elections only serve to justify the occupation and the US puppet regime. The elections mark, however, a change in the US strategy after its utter failure in quelling the determined Resistance of the Iraqi people by brute military force. As the election farce is part of a comprehensive war, its danger lies in the renewed attempt of the corporate media to demonize the Resistance as terrorist. Thus the European powers are now celebrating the elections as a “step towards democracy” legitimising not only the occupation but also retroactively the war of aggression which some of them pretended to oppose upon the pressure of the people.

The assembly reaffirmed that the Iraqi Resistance against the occupation is the only legitimate representative of the Iraqi people as opposed to the puppet administration sponsored by the occupying powers.

The assembly also criticised some elements in the broad anti-war and anti-globalization movement who continuously use the misleading formula “No to war and terror” which tacitly equates the popular resistance struggles with terror. We reject the attempt to distinguish between a so-called “good” and “bad” resistance because it serves to prevent forging solidarity with the Iraqi Resistance which is actually a conglomerate of different popular forces. The assembly called on the broad anti-war and anti-globalization movement to take the side of the people´s resistance movements worldwide against the permanent and pre-emptive imperialist war waged and led by the US. At the moment, the Iraqi resistance constitutes the first line against this imperialist war.

The delegates present decided to hold an international conference in support of the Iraqi Resistance and in solidarity with the entire Arab people´s struggle for national self-determination and sovereignty. To underline this inextricable nexus, the conference will take place on the occasion of the anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada in the end of September 2005. Several countries were proposed as venue but Greece and Italy were preferred by the majority because of the presence in these countries of strong popular sentiment and mass movement against US imperial designs. It is expected that this conference will pave the way for the formation of a European and international support network for the people´s liberation struggles and its current first-line, the Iraqi Resistance.

The participants also pledged to intensify the campaign for the freedom of the kidnapped leader of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi, as a symbol of all the political and war prisoners held by the occupying power. In particular, pressure will be applied on the European parliament for them to comply with their human rights obligations and their professions of democracy by asking their US partners to disclose the whereabouts of Abduljabbar.

Our emerging network will initiate and support mobilisations against the US military bases in Europe. They are continuously used as hubs for the US aggression on Iraq and in the Middle East with the consent of the governments including those which hypocritically claimed to oppose the war.

The gathering likewise agreed to issue a call to the people of the world to participate in the global day of action March 19/20 (an around this date) on the occasion of the second anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq putting forward the clear platform of supporting the Iraqi Resistance and the Iraqi people´s struggle for national self-determination.

The Co-ordinating Committee
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Following organisation were present:

Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
Free Iraq Committee Germany
Free Iraq Committee Italy
Danish Committee for a Free Iraq
Free Iraq Committee Norway
Free Iraq Committee Austria
Greek Initiative for Solidarity to Iraqi Resistance
International League of People´s Struggle ILPS
Anti-imperialist Camp
OSPAAAL Solidarity Spain
First Int´l Conference for the support of the Resistance of the Iraqi People France
Migrant Worker´s Federation Germany AGIF
Union of Working People Greece
Militant Movement of Students Greece
Friends of PFLP in Europe
Loyalty to Men and Earth Lebanon-Palestine
Workers´ Federation Switzerland ITIF
Confederation of Workers´ from Turkey in Europe ATIK
HTIF Netherlands
Özgur Der Turkey Germany
Initiativ Germany
